Death Simulator

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XBlood: Rayn wake up. Rayn!

Me:*wakes up grumpy* What!? Don't you see I am trying to sleep on this hard bed.

XBlood: Rayn the reason the bed is hard is because you are sleeping on the ground.

Me: That explains it. Can somebody pick me off this ground.

XBlood: I will drag you! We have a serious situation and you are sleeping.

Me: Fine.*stands up* So what's go- Wow where are we.

Inuyasha: That's what we are trying to find out.

Blake: It looks like we all have been transported into this empty dessert. 

Edward: Well we have to find a way back home.

Natsu: No shit shorty sherlock!

Edward: Who the hell you calling a shorty you walking furnace?!

Me: Hey! >:( I just woke up from a nap and I would like for you guys not to be fighting so loud.  *looks around* Well it seems that I can't see any sight of town, so how about this we begin to walk and camp every time the sun goes down, got it?

Xblood: That seems logical, but what are we going to do about food?


Everyone gets afraid!

Me: Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm sure we'll think of something. Now let's march.

Alois: This is ridiculous. So you are going to let us starve is it?

Me: No. I said that we will think of something.

Laito: Get off her back Ciel. Unless you want to be our first meal, you should be quiet.

Alois:I'm Alois! I would say to bite me, but I don't know where those fangs have been. You could be carrying some disease.

Laito: Watch your mouth you spoiled kid.

Me: What did I just say about arguing?

At night time.

Rin(free!): It feels so cool now that night has fallen.  It was so freaking hot.

Me: Then why didn't you take your shirt off?

Rin: Because you would like it.

Me: Hey you can take off your shirt. I wish I could have, but then again I got boobs. If the heat is getting to you, I say do it.

Alois: Stay away from me you dirty monster! I don't want your nasty breathing on me!

Eren: Who do you think you are?!

Alois: Alois Trancy of course. The queen's spider.

Me: Alois stop being the little brat you are and go to sleep. 

Alois: Who died and made you queen?

Alois: Who died and made you queen?

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