Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 18 - Was it fun?

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“Well, we knew if we told you where we were going that you would shoot the idea down, but trust me, you’ll have fun!” Jade promised.

“I thought you said he like kids,” Nick questioned, looking in my direction.

“He does, don’t you, Zac?”


“So why are you complaining so much?”

“I don’t like waking up so early in the morning,” admitted Zac.

“Lazy pig!” taunted Nick. I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

“Let’s get this on the road!”

Looking at Nick’s Porsche, I shook my head. It can in no way fit us, even without Jamie who went first to rehearse. This is why I didn’t like sports cars, they weren’t practical enough, they just looked nice and cost a lot.

“We can’t fit in your car, Nick,” I pointed out.

“Can we please get my baby?” pouted Zac.

“We’re not driving all the way to your house just to get your car, Zac. Plus you can’t drive, so stop asking,” I sighed. This was the millionth time he asked about his car. It was like he couldn’t live without it!

“Fine,” Zac replied, sulking.

“We’ll just take your car,” Jade suggested.

“Sure.” I quickly ran back into the house and grabbed the keys to my Volvo and hurried out to the garage to meet them. Quickly turning on the engine, I quickly but carefully pulled out of the long driveway and listened to Jade’s instruction on how to get to the school.

After some wrong turns, annoying bickering from Zac and Nick and complaints later, we finally arrived at Jade’s school, Nexus. Shoving my car into the parking gear, I was more than happy to get away from Zac and Nick’s constant bickering. After making sure I locked my car, the four of us quickly walked towards the school’s entrance.

It wasn’t as magnificent as Richmond High but it was pretty for a public school nevertheless. The entrance would look quite grand if I haven’t seen Richmond High’s. The steel gates were already open, awaiting the arrival of the guests and multiple guards stood around the guard house, guarding the entrance.

“We’re here for the interact installation,” Jade told the guard who waved us through. I could help but smile at the scenery, it looked a little like the school I used to go too. There was labs on the right hand side on was a basketball court. Following Jade’s steps, we turned into the basketball courts and soon approached the hall.Engraved on the walls of church-like building in bold were the words ‘Grand Hall of Nexus’. After we registered ourselves at the counter outside the hall, we walked into the grand hall and were greeted with a blast of cold air.

Standing on both sides of the entrances in two straight lines were what I assumed to be the ‘Interactors’. There were kids around Jamie’s age, but the girls looked so mature dressed in the red, long-sleeved top with a silky grey tie around their necks and black skirt that reached to their knees paired together with a pair of black heels and the guys looked very gentlemanly in the same top and tie but with black slacks instead and leather shoes. Walking between them, they all greeted us with ‘hello’, ‘hi’ and ‘welcome as though we were their friends. I couldn’t help but grin when I noticed all of the girls were shifting from a foot to the other, clearly not used to wearing heels.

The last girl of the line was smiling broadly at us. It was Jamie.

“Hey Jamie!” The four of us greeted.

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