Chapter One: Donovan

Start from the beginning

The other reapers that do remain in the cafeteria and eat genuinely don't talk much. Everyone is quiet and seems to mind their own business. Their sole purpose is to get their jobs done and return home, so I know their family or their loved ones must be on their minds most of the time.

But as for Greyson, he is alone. He's not a werewolf, but he is simply a human with death's gene. Well, an immortal human, that is. Greyson is alone, because he has outlived all of his friends and family.

He is five hundred years old, but looks twenty-eight.

But his age doesn't stop him from acting like a high school boy.

He also never shuts up. He always talks my ear off and seems to be a light in this dreary, dark place known as the underworld.

"Dude, so I've got this awesome idea." He says, his eyes ablaze with mischievous intentions.

I roll my eyes and sip my bland liquid Thulous. "Let me guess, you want to pull another prank."

He nods. "Yes."



"Look, every time you decide to pull one of these ridiculous pranks-"

"I get caught, yada yada yada I know. But this time, this plan is fool proof. Hear me out."

"Fine." I slump in defeat.

"Okay, so you know how all these reapers are quite....bland?" He asks.

I look around at the other reapers with stoic and blank looks on their faces. Hardly anyone talks and they are all clothed in black hooded robes, such as I am. Even the floors are a dark grey, and the stone walls around us are dark and gloomy.

The entire atmosphere is gloomy.

All the reapers look depressed, but I understand why they would be. It is depressing to see destruction and evil everywhere you go.

"Yeah. I know exactly what you're talking about." I respond.

"Well, I was thinking....what if we pressed this red button," Greyson says, pulling a dial with a red button attached to it out of his pocket, "And pink sparkles and pink paint exploded from the ceiling and coated everyone in pink! The serious reapers would look like little barbies and-"

"I'm guessing the pink sparkles and pink paint is already installed in the ceiling, isn't it?"

He just grins deviously at me.

"So I will take that as a yes. How did you get all of that....up there?" I ask, pointing to the ceiling, "And when did you find the time to do that?"

"Well, you know how we can float when we want to since we're spirits? Well, that's what I did, so...and as for installing the paint and sparkles up there, well, I tied buckets of paint and sparkles to the ceiling. This button will tell the ropes tip the buckets of paint and sparkles everywhere."

The other reapers sit right under Greyson's contraptions, obviously oblivious to the embarrassment that awaits them

"Greyson, you're crazy. But this is why you're my friend. Without you in this depressing place I don't know what I'd do."

Greyson smiles and pretends to wipe tears from his eyes. "Wow, I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

I chuckle. "Oh shut up."

"So when does this plan come into action?" I ask.


The moment that word leaves his mouth, he slams his thumb down on the button. Paint spews from the ceiling all over the reaper's heads. They growl and scream as pink paint transforms them into comical figures.

Next, the pink glitter comes out.

Flakes of glitter falls from the ceiling like snow, coating the wet paint in sparkly girly colors. The reapers gasp and I do my best from laughing out loud. Greyson hisses in laughter and slaps his knee.

Okay, now that was pretty funny.

One of the reapers turns around, his robe stained pink and glitter sparkling in the dim torch lights. "Greyson and Donovan! I know that was you!" He exclaims angrily.

Greyson holds up his hands in surrender. "I don't know what you're talking about."

The reaper growls in frustration and wipes the thick paint from his forehead. Stomping his foot, he says, "Wait till the Hades council hears about this!"

The reaper storms off towards the Hades council, and I look at Greyson. My expression mirrors his own as we both mouth the words, 'Look what you've done.'

"Me? I didn't do anything!" I say.

"You agreed to my plan, so therefore you took part in it." Greyson says, cracking a smile.


I stop talking when I hear the sound of a deep, throaty noise of a man clearing his throat. Turning around, I see one of the reapers who serves on the Hades council. His eyes are black and piercing and his golden hair falls in his face.


He wears a scowl.

"You two, in the lobby now."

We're screwed.

* * *

The both of us stand in a big, open room. Members of the Hades council stand before us, looking down at Greyson and I with judging and hateful glares.

"So, can you please tell me why the cafeteria is coated in barbie barf?" Goldilocks asks as he paces back and forth in front of us with his hands clasped behind his back.

Greyson chuckles. "Sir, because it's funny, sir."

I nudge Greyson subtly with my shoulder, trying to get him to shut up.

"Funny? You think this is funny? How disappointing, I do expect more from a five hundred year old reaper, but I guess some of us never truly grow up." Goldilocks taunts. I see Greyson's lip twitch in annoyance.

"Now, seeing that you two put together cause nothing but trouble-"

"Sir, I am trouble. Separating me from Donovan won't drown my personality."

Goldilocks growls and jabs a finger into Greyson's chest. "Well, as punishment for both of your behavior, Greyson, you will be serving to collect souls in Africa and you," He says, pointing to me, "Will be collecting souls in Russia."

"What?" We both say at the same time.

Goldilocks shrugs. "You heard me. I expect you both to be in your assigned countries by the morrow. He turns his back on us and walks away.

Greyson stares at me and I stare back at him.

I'm going to Russia.




First chapter, yay! Hope y'all enjoyed, things are about to get spicyyyy

Any who....

See you next time :)

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