"Where's Y/N? Did she leave already?" Hoseok asked as he looked up to see Yoongi shaking his head.

"No, she's in her room." Hoseok stopped for a moment, now piecing together all of the clues with what Yoongi had said. He took one glance at Yoongi, taking in at how messy his hair was, along with the fact that he only had on a pair of pants. Usually, Yoongi would be the one to be organized and ready on time so the fact that Yoongi was unprepared today could only mean one thing.

"NO WAY MIN YOONGI-" Before Hoseok could finish what he was saying, Yoongi had already slammed the door on Hoseok's face as he turned around to walk back into your room. After making his way over to your room, he slowly creaked open the door as he looked down to see you playing on your phone. 

"Who was at the door?" you questioned, now closing your phone as you placed it away on the table before looking up at Yoongi with curiosity. 

"Just Hoseok. He said he needs me right now so I have to leave" Yoongi paused, turning to look at you with a worried expression.

"You'll be ok right?" he asked, slowly fidgeting around with his fingers as he didn't want to leave you so soon. Noticing his nervous expression, you got out of the bed before walking over to where he was, now leaning up to give him a peck on the lips before pulling back with a reassuring smile.

"Of course. You do what you need to do." With a relieved smile, Yoongi leaned down to give you one last peck before exiting your room to go into his own. He opened up his closet, now grabbing whatever was in sight before quickly throwing it on. 

"Oh, my hair" Yoongi gasped, now fixing his hair as best as he could after seeing how messy his hair looked in the mirror. With a sad attempt at getting ready, Yoongi hurried out of his room before locking it and walking over to the front door.

"I'll be going now!" Yoongi called out to let you know.

"Alright! See you later!" After hearing your adorable voice coming from your room, Yoongi felt a smile coming onto his lips as he hurried out of the apartment before locking the front door, now making his way over to the elevator. Pushing the button to the very last level, he leaned against the wall as he listened to the calm music while patiently waiting for the elevator to reach the floor. Once the elevator had reached the last floor, the doors slid open to reveal the parking lot as Yoongi stepped out to scan his eyes for Namjoon's car. Yoongi's eyes landed on the white car in the back as he sighed out a breath of relief before making his way over.

"Finally" Namjoon groaned after waiting for so long, now unlocking the car doors for Yoongi to enter inside the backseat. 

"Sorry, I hurried as fast as I could" Yoongi apologized, reaching over to grab the seatbelt to buckle it into place. As Namjoon was busy starting up the car, Hoseok turned around from the front seat to look at the back where Yoongi was. Yoongi glanced over at Hoseok, noticing the teasing smirk now plastered on his face.

"So, you and Y/N huh?" he teased, watching how Yoongi's face slightly faltered at the mention of your name.

"Does she know about the thing between you and Rose?" Hoseok added. Yoongi shook his head, knowing that he didn't want to expose his occupation to you just yet.

"I told her that I didn't like Rose like that but I didn't talk about anything else" Yoongi replied. Throughout the drive, the three of them proceeded to chat about the mission as well as creating plans before reaching the destination where the rest of the team were. Once Namjoon had parked his car over in the parking lot, they all got out of the car before making their way over to the building. Entering in through the front door, they all walked over to the elevator before pressing a button to take them to a specific floor. The elevator made a ding, indicating that they had arrived at the floor as the doors slid open, the three of them now exiting to head down to the office.

"They're all in here" Namjoon announced, now opening up the door for Yoongi and Hoseok to enter in first. Once they've all entered, Yoongi looked forward and saw the other guys standing at the back. He gave them a small wave before moving his eyes over to the desk, seeing Jin sitting down on his chair. However, he was not alone as Yoongi's eyes slightly widened at the sight of Rose along with her father who was sitting down in a chair on the other side of Jin's desk.

"You guys are late" Jin warned out loud to the three men entering the office. 

"What's going on?" Yoongi asked, glancing his eyes at every individual as he was unsure of the situation. With an empty chair by Jin's desk, he motioned for Yoongi to take a seat in front of him while the rest of the guys moved to the back to listen in on the conversation. Yoongi's brows snapped together as he walked over to Jin's desk. He hesitantly pulled out the chair, slowly lowering himself to take a seat down beside Rose. Seeing Yoongi take a seat beside her, Rose turned her head to give him a smile, only to receive nothing in return as Yoongi's eyes remained still and serious as he looked at Jin for further instructions. Once everyone had settled down, Jin turned his attention to Yoongi before opening his mouth to speak.

"The Park family has a request for you" he began, now nodding his head at Rose's father to allow him to speak. He cleared his throat, grabbing Yoongi's attention as he turned his body to look at him.

"Yoongi, for the past couple of days, even weeks that you have been guarding my daughter, she had requested a very special request that I wasn't so sure about at first, but now I approve of" Mr. Park had begun. Yoongi began to grow more nervous, wondering what they wanted to request with him.

"Upon Rose's request, I'd like to arrange a marriage for the both of you."

Kill and Run | MYG x Reader ✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя