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I left the house to get myself a beer. I was at the nearest bar I could find. When they see me at the entrance they escorted me immediately to the vip lounge where the rich and famous are drinking. I sat at the bar and ordered for a beer. Not planning on getting drank tonight. I could have done this at home but I want to breath fresh air away from Mom and I am trying to convince Anna that I am having a little tantrum. Haha!

Then I noticed John Sy at the corner with three girls. He was pawing them. He was looking my way. Damn, good thing Anna did not marry this guy.


"Hullo Baby?"


"Get your hands off me Faye."

"Oh, you don't like me now eh? You like your little moss virgin wife better!"

"Yes. As a matter of fact I do."

"But I still want you."

She was breathing in my ear and licked it. I pushed her away.

"I told you to get your fucking hands off me."

I hissed.

"What the fuck is your problem Seth? You can't have sex with your wife and you want me to givenit to you?"

She's trying to attract attention and she is successfully achieving it. I pulled her and told her to stop or else...

"Or else what? You will kill me? You only need to ask Darling."

I wanna get out of here before I hit this woman. I stood up and throw cash to the bartender. Then all of a sudden John Sy was beside me.

"Look who's here!"


"So where did you leave your little wife? At home?"

"You have no right to talk about my wife that way nor do you have the right to even mention her name."

"Touchy now huh, Seth? How can you be touchy when you stole the woman I was to marry?"

We are attracting some people's attention now.

"Don't go there John. You know full well that I can hurt you."

"Hurt me? How? Like this?"

Ow! That hurts. I didn't see that. This bastard really wants to die. I hit him on his nose and I saw blood ooozing from it. I probably broke it. Hood for him. Then, his bodyguards were on me. Holding me for heaven's sake so their boss could luanch punches on me. Damn, this will look awful tomorrow. What will I tell Anna when I get home? i can not do that to her. I better go back to the condo and go home after I wash up. This will be in the paper's tomorrow. I have to call Herald and fix this before it gets to the media. I could hear Faye screaming my name. And the guys were all holding me while this damn drunk punch me anywhere he likes. Then the bouncers came.

"Mr. Aaron, are you okay?"

"About time you came."

"Where's my car?"

"Sir, you are not in a condition to drive. Would you like to wait for the police."

"No. You drive me to my place. I need to clean up."

"Sir, you have a cut. I guess you better go to the hospital to have that stitched up."

I guess I need to be stitched. I can feel the blood oozing from my brow and damn, I feel woozy and I can't see clearly with my right eye. Yeah I guess I need to go to the ER.

I have the key to the guy who called me Mr Aaron. He said his name is Joseph. And then everything became black. All I know is that someone is calling my name, a woman's voice.


Author: Someone is in trouble. Please vote and comment. Thnk you.

THE BILLIONAIRE'S YOUNG WIFE #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now