A Real Fixer Upper

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On the Comm Tower, Zone was hanging off one of the bars that connected to the Tower working on the interconnection wires, while Wash was busy adjusting the satellite's radio terminal. Tucker sat on a crate, cleaning his weapon. 

"I'm just sayin' I feel like somebody should have found us by now." Tucker points out. 

"Cyclops toss me the wrench." Cyclops picks up a nearby wrench in his teeth and throws it to Zone who catches it upside down. "Tucker we all feel like we should've been found by now, but if we don't get this Tower working, NO ONE will find us. Period." 

"Yeah but, you know, it's like if a plane crashes and disappears that's fine, civilians, whatever." 

"Not sure if I agree with you on that." Wash says glancing over his shoulder. 

"But this was a freaking spaceship. That's like national tragedy level important." 

"It was a big ship." Zone agrees. 

"And what about GPS? The Galactic Positioning System should have been able to inform Command of our location within seconds of a mayday." Tucker states. Zone dropped his tool upon hearing Tucker say something THAT specific. 

"How...do you know that?" He asks. 

Tucker looks to the side. "Uh..." 


On the ship, one of the Operators was explaining to Tucker what would happen if the ship crashed. 

"The Galactic Positioning System would be able to inform Command of our location within seconds of a mayday, so even the ship were to crash rescue would be practically immediate. Isn't it that rad?" 

"Cool, nerd stuff. Hey, is it just me or is that blonde over there checking me out?" Tucker asks pointing at the cockpit. 

"Who? The pilot?" The Operator says confused. 

"Yeah she's definitely checking me out." Tucker then walks over to the pilot. 

"Wait! You can't go over there!" 

Tucker leans against the wall next to the pilot. "Hey baby, I hear you're a pilot. Think you could pull up on my throttle? Bow Chicka Bow Wow." Tucker accidently hits a button making the ship's alarms go off. 


"I read it in a book?" Tucker replies. 

"I don't believe you." Zone picks up his tool. "Then again, I don't really care." Tucker gives a sigh of relief. 

Zone looks around and then back at Tucker. "Hey!" 

"Oh-oh what? Nothing." Tucker says quickly. 

"What's a matter?" Wash asks. 

"What happened to the soldering iron?" 

"Ooh I don't know." Tucker shrugs. Zone huffs and punches the Tower. 

"This would be going so much faster if I didn't have to keep tracking down equipment evey five minutes." 

"What, you think the Reds took it?" Xi asks. Zone sees an empty shotgun and picks it up. 

"Men, it appears our fortifications aren't meeting my ridiculous standards! Let's steal the Blues' tank and fire at our walls! That'll fix it. Yes, I think my dad took it." Zone says monotone. 

"Man, why are you guys so wound up all the time?" Tucker asks. 

"Because every second we're here is another second closer to death. Or worse." Wash says shuddering. 

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