The Federal Army of Chorus

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Zone weakly opened his eyes and could see three Feds surrounding Sarge and Wash, both being unconscious. 

"I repeat, we have four survivors in need of immediate assistance. Make sure the docs are ready. He really did a number on them." One of the Feds tells the other. 


Suddenly a foot drops in front of Zone's face blocking his view. "They're not dead...not yet." 

"No..." Zone turns his head towards the sky and sees Locus looking down at him.

"I warned you, Raptor. I gave you a choice. And you chose to fight. I've always admired that about you, never willing to back down from a battle. Even when you knew the inevitable risks." 

" You're...nothing but now. A freak that...hides in the shadows...and a coward." 

"No, I'm not a monster. I'm a soldier, just like you Rex." Locus then leaves as Zone falls unconscious. 


Rex opened his eyes and sees he's on some kind of empty area of broken buildings and cracked streets. He looks down and sees he's in his old Spartan V armor without his helmet, it being scuffed and covered in smoke. Suddenly he hears an echo. 

"Rex....Rex....Rex...." Rex turns and sees another Spartan lying on the ground with his helmet on dead. He approaches the body and slowly takes off the helmet. He gasps and drops the helmet. 

"Victor..." Rex hesitantly places his hand on Victor's cheek. Suddenly a hand shot up and grabbed Rex by his throat, somewhat choking him. Rex looks and sees it was Victor's whose eyes open and he gasps. 

"Y-You could've s-saved me..." Victor then drops his hand and falls dead again. Rex stands and backs away from the body and rubs his throat. He turns around and bumps into something that makes him fall to the ground. He looks up and sees...himself! In his Project Freelancer armor. His Freelancer self approaches him as Rex crawls backwards. His Freelancer self then grabs him by the throat and holds him in the air, Rex struggling to break free. 

"Stop...I'm you..." His Freelancer self then throws Rex into a large piece of building. He hits it and rolls to the ground in pain. He looks up and suddenly his Freelancer self gets enveloped in black aura and walks to him. Rex continues to crawl away until he gets grabbed by his ankle and is held upside down looking at his Freelancer self. He takes off his helmet and Rex shudders in fear upon seeing the face of himself. His skin was black as space, and his deadly red eyes looked at him with intent to kill. His lips curved into an evil smile showing his sharp white teeth. 

"W-What a-are you?" 

His Freelancer self pulls him close to his face and says, "I am your rebirth. I am your redemption. I. Am. Unlimited." 

Rex gets smashed into the ground by his monstrous self and kicked away. Rex regains his balance and charges at the creature. It laughs as it backhands Rex away. He tries to stand but the monster pins him down with his foot. 

"You're so pathetic. And weak. It's no wonder you let Victor die!" 

That drove Rex over the edge as let out another roar as he was enveloped in red aura and began to glow brighter and brighter, blinding his monstrous self. He kept glowing until he heard a woman's voice. 

"Agent Arizona? Agent Arizona!" Zone opens his eyes and sees he's restrained to a medical table in a lab. "Oh. Well...that was close." 


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