Accentuate the Interrogative

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Zone approaches Tucker, who is sitting down rubbing his hand through his hair. 

"Well, I'm patched up. Grey really hounded me on the whole "sacrificial" thing. You know, I don't think I've ever seen a civilian lecture me like that before. It was...pretty entertaining, actually." Zone chuckled. 

"Hey Zone, uh, you got a sec?" Tucker asks. 

"Dude I swear, if you want me to look at another rash, I won't hesitate to kick you into next week." 

"No, it's feels like every choice I make is the worst." 

"Oh holy smokes, you're being serious." 

"Back at the canyon, you told me to try to be better, and ever since then, that's all people keep telling me! "Try this," "try that." Well I'm freaking trying, and so far all that happens is that I either get people killed or I ruin the mission! I mean, how are you supposed to know if you're making the right call?" 

"To be honest Tucker, there's never really a right or wrong answer. You just have to stick with what you think is best." Zone explains. 

"But what if what I think it's best totally sucks?" 

"Then you learn from it and you try again." 

"Oh my god. It's like you people are a freaking loop." Tucker groans. 

"Tucker, I know you're frustrated but you have to realize that making mistakes is just part of the deal. Back in the War I was the leader of my Spartan team, believe me I had made numerous mistakes because I went with what my gut told me. Nobody is infallible. Even with everything you've screwed up, look at how far you made it. You're not the same person you were back at Blood Gulch." 

"(Sigh) Is it bad that I kinda wish I was?" Tucker asks. 

"Yes! You were a terrible excuse for a human being." Zone replies bluntly. 


"I'm kidding." Zone chuckles, 

"Screw you, dude! I'm over here spilling my guts and crap, and you're cracking jokes?! That's messed up!" 

"Now who's being the melodramatic one?" 

"Man, I should've just left you with the Feds." 

Simmons approaches the two. "Hey Zone, can we borrow you for a second?" 

"Everything okay?" 

"Ever since that pirate guy regained consciousness, Carolina's been trying to get info out of him...but so far nothing is working." 

"So you need help with the interrogation?" 

"Actually...we were hoping you could calm down Carolina." Simmons states. Suddenly they hear a gunshot and breaking glass. 

"Why won't he talk?!" Carolina yells. 

"She's a liiittle frustrated." 

"(Sigh) Give me a minute." Zone then leaves. Tucker and Simmons walk up to the Reds and Caboose as they watch Zone try to calm down Carolina from outside the base. 

"Look Carolina, would you please-" Zone get knocked back by a giant can that Carolina threw out of base. He pushes it off his stomach and shakes his head. 

"Well she definitely takes after her mother." Xi states as she and Epsilon appear. 

"Was her mother some sort of silverback gorilla on steroids?" Sarge asks. 

"Yeah you better be happy her mother is not around to hear you say that!" Epsilon retorts. 

"How's it going?" Wash asks walking up. 

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