Finders Keepers

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Simmons is staring at the gravity-lift outside of Blue Base as Tucker walks up behind him. 

"This blows. I don't know a first thing about fixing intergalactic radios." Tucker groans. 

"Uh huh." Simmons replies still looking at the lift. 

"Every movie that I've ever seen with a repairman on it always glosses over the actual repairing part. It's just, "Hey baby, I'm here to lay some pipe" and then bam, two scoops of raisin!" 

"Uh huh." 

"Geezaloo woman! If you let the man do his job, then maybe we would not be in this mess." 

Simmons then turns to the rambling aqua soldier. "Hey Tucker, what the heck is this thing?" Simmons thumbs at the gravity-lift. 

"It's a gravity lift. You step on it and it takes you upstairs." 

"I know that, but what is it doing here?" 

"It's glowing and goes vmmmmmmm." Tucker waves his fingers for effect. 

"So let me get this straight. We're the survivors of a shipwreck, living off of the bare necessities, and in the middle of the room is this incredible feat of modern-day technology." 

"I don't know. Wash and Zone found it on the ship and put it on the base. What's so weird about that?" 

Simmons grimaced. "It's like finding a car made of rocks, plastic and a bluetooth radio." 

"Oh, we've got that too." Tucker taps his helmet. "Siri, play song dance theme." 

"Did you mean bomb, Andy?" 

"Oh piece of crap." Tucker groans. 

"Calling bomb, Andy." 

"How are you able to power all of this?" Simmons asks. 

"We're hooked up to the ship." 

"You mean you have a direct line to a limitless power supply?" 

"Well, no, we'll definitely run out of fuel eventually, just not anytime soon. So who cares, take as much as you want." 

"God bless the American way." Simmons sighs happily. 

"What are ya gonna do?" Tucker asks. 

"Just a side project!" Simmons calls as he jumps into the gravity-lift up to the base. 

"Hey Caboose!" Tucker turns to see Zone running over to Caboose and Freckles.

"I've secured the perimeter. No bad guys to be found." 

"Excellent work Commander Zone, I admire your determination! Why, maybe someday you could be the leader of Blue Team!" 

"I WAS the leader of both teams." Zone mutters. 

"Now, I have a very important question for you Zone!" Caboose states. 


"Um...d'ya think Freckles would look...silly in a hat? Possibly a sombrero?" 

"You want to dress Freckles up in people clothes?" Xi questions. 

"To boost the moral of the troops!" Caboose explains. Zone and Xi swap looks. 

"You know, I just remembered I haven't checked for any bad guys on the ship." Zone states. 

Caboose gasps. "What?! Zone, what are you even doing here!? The- uh, there could be bad guys plotting against us right now!" 

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