Crash Site Crashers

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The Reds and Blues are divied up as Carolina and Zone give the order. 

"Alright, each team has two teleportation grenades. One to transport you there and want to get you back. First priority is obtaining the manifest, but, while we're in, we should also search for additional supplies. Teleporters, weaponry, anything that could help. I don't expect there to be a hostile presence at Bravo, but becareful nonetheless." Zone warns the Reds. 

"Don't get shot, got it." Sarge nods. 

"Alpha's another story. We've acquired its coordinates for teleportation, but never actually investigated the area. From what we've gathered it's a massive hotspot for pirate activity. I'd understand if you don't want to join us." Carolina tells the Blues. 

"Given the situation, I'd say you need all the help you can get. Count us in." Wash says. 

"Yeah, pretty sure Church would be disappointed if I didn't come also, sooo..." Caboose replies 

"Dr. Grey, you stay here and keep an eye on things while we're gone." 

"Wonderful! I'll prepare a meal out of the surrounding fungi and vegetation for your return!" 

"Please don't." Zone pleads. 

"See you when we get back?" Tucker says to the Reds. 

"Just don't get captured. The last thing we need is another freaking rescue mission!" Simmons sighs. 

"Amen." Grif agrees. 

Epsilon then appears. "Okay people, the mission starts now." 

The teams teleport away. Carolina aims her weapon as she finds herself in a wasteland. 


"Motion tracker says we're clear." 


"What, did I stutter?" 

"And you're sure we're in the right place?" 

"Carolina!" Carolina runs up to the Blues and Zone as they look at something. 

"I think we're in the right place." Wash mutters as they all look at a large laser-like tower. 

"Geez, and I thought the Promethean temples were intimidating." Zone says watching the tower. 

"Prome-the-what?" Tucker asks. 

"Never mind come on." Zone and Carolina walk down the hill leading the Blues. 


At Crash Site Bravo, Grif, Simmons, and Lopez are standing outside of Red Base. 

"I remembered it being bigger." Grif recalls. 

"No way, this place was always cramped. I couldn't walk two feet without stepping in your garbage!" Simmons argues. 

"Oh come on guys, it's not the size that matters, it's how you use it!" Donut says over the radio. 

<As someone who was once a severed head, I can assure you this place was always a pile of shit no matter what size you are.> Lopez grumbles. 

"Hey knuckleheads, get your butts off memory lane and get back to looking for supplies!" Sarge orders on the radio. "Me and Princess Bubblegum have got an entire ship to search! So far we ain't found didley squat! The least you can do is quit jamming up the radio with your darn pillow talk! You got that?" 

"Technically sir, you only have half a ship to search." Grif points out. 

"Why you good for nothing, little-" Grif taps his helmet cutting of the transmission. 

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