Cloak and Dagger

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Zone continued to look out the window of the bunker at the frozen ocean. Wash walks up behind him with Cyclops.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, fine Wash. Just hope Carolina is okay...wherever she is."

"She'll come back Zone, we just have to give her time."

Zone sighs before alarms started going off. "What the heck?" Sarge, Donut, and Lopez ran in.

"Rex what's going on?" Sarge asks.

"I've got no idea, come on!" Zone leads the Reds and Wash out the bunker to a nearby hallway. "Ready up!" The groups loads their weapons before the door opens reveal Tucker, Caboose, Grif, and Simmons!



"What in Sam Hill are you boys doing here?" Sarge demands.

"We came here to save you!" Simmons replies.

"But, we were supposed to save you!" Donut retorts. The Reds and Blues all look at each other in confusion.

"BOSS!" Xi appears and hugs his helmet.

"Heh, hey Xi!"

"I was so worried about you!" After a few minutes of explanations, the Sim Troopers and Freelancers were all caught up to speed.

"Okay, hold up. You're telling me that the Feds are just as helpless as the New Republic? I thought they were evil!" Tucker cried.

"Well, we thought you were being brainwashed by terrorists!" Donut states.

"Terrorists? Our soldiers are a bunch of harmless morons!" Grif points out.

"Your soldiers?" Sarge questions.

"We were all promoted to Captains, they gave us squads and everything." Simmons explained.

"Blue Team for life." Caboose whispers quietly.

Sarge turns to Zone. "Clearly our enemy isn't as cunning as we once thought."

"We don't have an enemy. As far as I can tell, both of these forces have reasons to fight, and neither are particularly guilt-free. We've just been caught in the middle."

"But, the rebels aren't bad! Some of them are our friends." Tucker says.

"And we managed to make a few allies within the Federal Army." Wash adds. "None of this makes either side any better. The New Republic started this war with extremist attacks on the capitol."

"But only because the government was screwing them!" Xi scowls.

"You gotta admit, it sounds kinda like a stupid move." Grif shrugs.

"We need to get these two sides to talk to one another. Doyle is in the capitol at the moment, but maybe he can get this Kimball woman to agree to a meeting. If they can come to some sort of understanding, we might be able to end this thing, and go home." Zone conceded.

"This isn't right." Simmons mutters.

"Believe me Simmons, there's plenty wrong with this situation. But I think this is our best move. I'm just glad you guys made it."

"No, seriously, I mean this doesn't feel right. I just can't figure out what it is!" Simmons persists.

"Is it a false sense of superiority? That's probably a side effect of the false promotion." Sarge replies.

"Minutes after re-uniting and you're already starting crap." Grif sighs.

"What did you expect, breakfast in bed?" Sarge retorts.

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