Capital Assets

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Inside Armonia, Grif is walking down the stree. 

"Good morning, Captain Grif." A Rebel says walking past. 

"Hey." Grif nods. 

"Good morning, Captain Grif!" A Fed says walking past. 


"Oh. Oh! Captain Grif!" Matthews stops him. 

"(Sigh) Yes, Matthews?" 

"Hey! Uh, uh, I just wanted to say, uh, thanks again for everything you and the other Reds and Blues did for us. If you guys hadn't shut down that radio jammer, we'd be dead!" 

"Gosh Matthews, I really appreciate that! Almost as much as I did the other fifty-six times you thanked me!" 

"Oh, good. I was worried it would might start to come off as annoying." Matthews sighs in relief. 

"It does, that was sarcasm." Grif retorts. 

"Just gonna repress that!" 


"Oh, Captain Grif! Uh, good to see you. I wanted to thank you for-" Grif puts his hand over Matthews' mouth. 

"Look, do you know where Kimball is? I need to talk to her." 

"Kimball? Uh, I'm pretty sure I saw her in the armory a little while ago." 

"Great, thanks." Grif walks away. 

"...Do you need an escort?" Matthews asks. 


Inside the armory, Simmons giving a line of Feds and Rebels weapons. Lopez is inside the armory garage putting together a Gausshog.

"Alright, explain to me again, why do you need a .50 caliber chaingun?" Simmons asks a Fed gunman. 

"Because I'm a gunman." The Fed replies. 

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I get that. You keep saying that. I mean, why do you need it right now?" 

"Hey G-man, hurry up!" A Rebels says. 

"Well, I mean, how else are people gonna know what I do around here?" 

"You're a soldier. Everyone's a soldier! You shoot at people, who shoot at you, until one of you dies from all the shooting!" Simmons scowls. 

"Yeah, but that's what I'm sayin'. Without my big gun, I just look like all the regular soldiers." The Fed protests. 

"No you don't! You've got white armor and red stripes!" 

Donut suddenly pops up next to Simmons. "Ugh, and they're just awful. I'm thinking we go bold. Maybe red armor with white stripes!" 


"(Sigh) Donut, just because you're in charge of uniforms, doesn't mean you get to redecorate the entire army. Besides, that'll completely ruin his camouflage." Simmons states. 

"What camouflage?" Donut asks. They both look at the Fed gunman. 

"Huh. Good point. How the heck have you not been shot yet?" Simmons inquires. 

"What?" The Fed says confused. 

"It's because the New Republic can't aim for crap." A Fed in line says. 

"Wanna say that to my face, punk?" A Rebel says turning to him. 

"Hey, cut it out!" Simmons shouts. "The armory is no place for violence. Now calm down, or I'm not gonna to give you a gun." 

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