The Reunion

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At the forest hideout, Dr. Grey is busy tending to Carolina's leg as Zone stands next to them. 

"How bad is it?" Zone asks. 

"Well, fortunately, he missed her femoral artery." Dr. Grey points out. 

"That's good." Carolina says in relief. 

"No sweetie, you had a knife inside of you. That's the opposite of good." 

"Call me "sweetie" again, and there'll be a knife inside of you." Carolina threatens calmly. 

"Oooooh, you're hostile! I'd love to psychoanalyze you." 

"Grey! The leg, please!" Zone says getting annoyed. 

"Oh, yes. Be sure not to put any unnatural strain on those muscles. If you reopen the wound, it won't be pretty." 

Epsilon appears next to Carolina. "Great. Hey, way to go, Carolina. Taken out by an over-sized steak knife." 

"Well maybe if someone had remembered to account for hidden blades..." 

"Hey, Epsilon and I are AIs, not a babysitters." Xi cut in. "And plus to be honest, if we did wind up being babysitters, we wouldn't get paid enough to watch the two of you." 

"Ain't that the truth." Epsilon chuckled as he and Xi fist-bumped. 

Dr. Grey stands up behind them. "Sooooooooo, here's the tiny ghost people here. Anyone care to introduce me?" 

"Oh that's Church. Yeah, he had to leave for a while but I knew he would come back." Caboose cried. 

"Bullcrap, you were totally depressed." Tucker scoffs. 

"Pssh, ah what?! No! No, Tucker! You're not remembering that right! No, I would not do something like that. I would not spiral downward into an emotional state of depression and try to fill the remains with a giant, mechanical, robot pet just because I missed Church! Stupid Tucker." 

"Oh forget you, I wanna analyze him." Grey says piqued by Caboose's statement. 

"Dr. Grey, this is Agent Carolina. She, Zone, and I were operatives for Project Freelancer. As for Church, he's an artificial intelligence fragment from the same organization. Codename: Epsilon. Xi as well. And to make a long story short, Epsilon kind of used to be leader of blue team before I showed up." Wash explained. 

"And tried to murder us." Epsilon added. 

"That was a misunderstanding." Wash protests. 

"I know, I'm just sayin', don't gloss over the good parts." 

"At least he didn't abandon us." Tucker says folding his arms. 

"Psychoanalyses for everyone!" Grey cried. 

"How can you be so infinitely positive?" Zone asks. 

"Oh boy, can I go first? I have got a lot of things crammed inside me!" Donut replies before Sarge covered his mouth. 

"Now hold up just a second! I wanna know what in the name of Benedict Arnold Palmer is going on around here! We've been tricked, we've been backstabbed and we've been quite possibly, bamboozled." Sarge states. 

"Yeah, and whenever that crap starts happening, it typically means you Freelancers had something to do with it." Grif adds. 

"Project Freelancer is gone. We all saw to that." Carolina reminds them. 

"'Colorful Space Marines Stop Corruption.'" Grey says. "That was the news article Locus brought General Doyle when he suggested we find you. I always thought the title was meant to describe your appearances, but, now I think I get what the writer was going for." 

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