The Grass is Greener. The Blues are Bluer

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Tucker is doing his rep of squats while Caboose tries to teach Freckles how. 

"No, Freckles, no, Freckles, go down. Like this!" Caboose squats and Freckles follows his actions. "Yes, that's a good Freckles! Yes, yes. Tucker! Tucker did you see that!? Freckles did a squat!" 

"Great. Now teach him to fetch, and then throw a stick off a cliff." Tucker groans continuing with his exercises. 

"Oh, he knows how to fetch. Freckles! Freckles, get the ball!" Caboose then throws a ball. 

"Acquiring target." Freckles aims and fires his turret. Tucker stops squatting and looks at Caboose slightly uncomfortable. 

"Umm, see that - that was just - that was just poor phrasing on my part. Really. I mean I was just, I think I was just was grammatically incorrect. So..." Caboose stammers. 

Meanwhile, Grif and Simmons creep up behind a rock to spy on the Blues.

"Alright, we made it!" Grif whispers. 

"Yeah. So, uh, what do we do now?" Simmons asks. 

"I guess we 'em?" They watched them squat for few minutes before Simmons stands. 

"So...this is a waste of time right. I mean they're not actually plotting anything." 

"I don't know, man, but watching two dudes exercise is making me feel really weird." Grif grimaced. 

"Ugh, this isn't getting us anywhere." Simmons groans. 

"Well, then why don't you just ask them what they're up to?" 

"What? And blow our cover?!" 

"What do we look like? Seal Team Six? Who cares, dude? You already said they're not up to anything." 

"But what about the robot?" 

"Oh yeah..." Grif says in realization. 

"See? We need to strategize." 

"Okay, fine, how do we want to do this?" Grif asks. 

"Oh! We could do like a sort of good cop/bad cop thing." 

"What if we act casual? Like we're just shootin' or something?" 

"Maybe, if we go in, guns blazing, we can intimidate them into giving us what we want." 

"Wait..." Grif raises an eyebrow. "What do we want?" 

"I don't know." Simmons sighs. Tucker appears beside the two crouching Reds.


"Gah!" Simmons cries turning to the aqua soldier. 

"What are you doing?" Tucker asks. 

"Alright! Listen, Tucker! I'm willing to hear you out, but my partner is crazy! I can't hold him back!" Simmons states. 


"I mean, hey, what's up? How's the weather? No, wait, I mean, tell me what you know!" Simmons pulls out his rifle and points it at Tucker. 

After a moment Simmons sighs and lowers his weapon. "I'm sorry..." 

"That's some solid detective work there, Officer Simmons." Grif mutters. 

"Yeahhh, so if you guys could not watch us work out, that'd be great, 'cause it's a little weird." Tucker says rubbing his helmet. 

"It's really weird!" Grif agrees. 

"Sarge ordered us to come spy on you. He think's you're up to something!" Simmons explains. 

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