"Testing us?"

"Well it's fucking obvious he's the culprit already! Why can't we just vote already?"

I stare at Kokichi. He continues to smile in that sinister way of his, making you wonder... what intent does he have in this world? Does he just want everything to be "not boring", as he would call it, or is it something else entirely?

"D-Does anyone have any objections?" I ask. No one answers, not even Kokichi. Is he... accepting his fate? What was his motive?

"Then I should explain the entire thing again." I let out a sigh and count all the events one by one. "Okay then."

"Kokichi was smart to know almost everyone was really sleepy from the insect Meet and greet. He was sleeping with me that evening, so he would have an alibi and wouldn't be suspected. Despite that, he snuck out of his room. Since I was really tired from the Insect Meet and Greet, and already a heavy sleeper, I never noticed. It was then when Tsumugi's fate was sealed."

"Since he knew how to pick locks, he snuck into Tsumugi's room, where he stabbed her in the back with a knife from the kitchen. Then he left the door unlocked and placed Tsumugi's room key under the mat, so it seemed like that's where she always put it so he wouldn't be suspected for picking locks. He then wrote a fake note in Tsumugi's handwriting telling someone, probably the culprit, to meet in her room after nighttime. Kokichi had found a note in Tsumugi's dresser that was in her handwriting, so he was able to copy it almost perfectly. He then balled it up and threw it in the trash as if to dispose of it, but he knew the fake note was important, and he wanted one of us to find it. He then cleaned the knife and put it back where he found it."

"Kirumi was actually the one who found the body first. She noticed the door to Tsumugi's room ajar and went to check if anything was wrong. Surprised, she decided it was best not to say anything yet, as people would question why she was even wandering about at that time of night, which could reveal her murder plan and the fact that she killed Ryoma, as he was already dead by this point. I'm glad she told us this. Without that evidence, we may have never found the culprit."

"And there's only one person capable of doing this... it's you, Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader! You're the blackened who killed Tsumugi Shirogane!" I exclaim.

"So you still think I killed her, eh? Not a boring possibility! Nishishi!"

"Is this your confession of guilt?" Korekiyo asks.

"..." Ouma ceases to answer. If he doesn't want to tell us... does that mean the answer is yes?

Why is the answer yes?!

Slowly, he reaches into his back pocket of his pants. After a little bit of shuffling, he pulls something out, gripping it in his hand tightly.

"Huh? What's that?"

Then he clicks a smooth black button on the side of the device, and static starts to come out from a small speaker. Since my podium is across from Ouma's, I lean in a bit to catch the words coming out. A hushed silence covers the room like a blanket as we listen in.

I then hear a voice that I never thought I'd hear again.

"Huh? Calling me the mastermind is one thing, but saying I'm the killer of Rantaro? That's plain wrong."

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