"Cade!" She sprinted past me and I looked to find her hugging a tall blond boy. He was dressed in black tight jeans, a dark blue button up, and lastly a black pair of Toms. 

"Haley," they pulled away from each other. Well this is everything but awkward. Just kidding, that was very sarcastic. He looked up from her and over to me. His eyebrows raised and whispered something to her. I began to worry, thinking that he had said something bad, though he must not have because Haley's laugh filled the cafe. 

"Mads, come over here," her small hand motioned me to them. I picked my feet of up slowly, crossing my arms over my chest. 

This time, I was the first to speak. "Hi," I sent a smile to the Cade boy. His eyes were a light brown and his face had baby features still prominent. "I'm Madeli - "

" - Mads. Her name is Mads," Haley interrupted me. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, she renamed me when I got here. Cade sent me a smirk making me internally cringe. 

"Mads. I'm Cade, as you know," he chuckled. "Haley's partner in crime," he then sent Haley a wink. 

"Oh shut up, don't listen to him Mads. He wants to think that," I smiled at Haley's comment. We ended up sitting down at one of the tables, them mainly talking to each other. Third wheel status right here. As I sat there my mind wandered to the note my dad had given me earlier. I had this urge to open it but at the same time I felt like I should burn it. 

"So, Mads," I looked up at Cade. "Have you made any other friends yet?" Alright so, Cade is my friend then. That's two in the first hour I've been here. Better than expected. 

I looked at my white chipped nails remembering to paint them later. "No, just you two. Been kind of glued to her," I moved my eyes to Haley. "Although I got knocked down by this guy Martin Garrix," my shoulders naturally shrugged and his response was silent. 

"What?" I looked around me. Nothing. Haley seemed annoyed by me just saying his name. 

"I'm guessing Haley has already given you a lecture about him then, huh?" A smiled played at his heart shaped lips. What is so bad about this guy? Like I said before, he looked pretty harmless to me. Then again, we had contact for like, twenty seconds so I can't really defend him. Especially if these two are both saying something along the lines of 'he's bad'. 

I nodded moving my hair over my shoulder. "Yeah she said stay away from him," I smiled at Haley who seemed zoned out by this conversation. Wow, she must really hate him. 

"Good. I would definitely listen and take her advice then..." 

All this talk about him is making me even more curious than I already am. Never in my seventeen years have I ever thought more than five minutes about a boy. Mainly because I am not allowed to have a boyfriend (or even talk to them as a matter of fact). But, something was making me want to know this Martin Garrix and see what he is really about. 

- Martin's POV - 

"Fuck," I spit out my words as I dropped my phone on the hard floor. I picked it up and shoved it inside the nightstand beside my bed. I say fuck the 'no phones' rule. I started to smell something in the room. I looked around and found nothing. I looked down, the smell exuded vanilla and honey. 

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