The day passed in a blur, my parents were broken hearted that the kids were leaving, but they understood that they needed their mom. When Anna video-called them earlier Katy burst out crying as she said she missed her mommy. It was the first time she ever stays without her mom after all. SO, we spent the day just hanging out and making sure that we will have plans to meet again. My family said that they would be going to go to Denver to meet the kids soon if they can't come before then. I just wanted to make sure Anna was okay with that at first. I actually had to tell her that I would be coming back with the kids, just to make sure that all security measures are in place. I know that they are not going to like it, but they are going to have security guards with them all the times at least for the foreseen future. The media is just going crazy with stories about them, and now that the world knows where they are. I can't leave them unprotected, I don't want some stupid idiot kidnapping one of them for a ransom or such. That's a risk I am not willing a take, especially with what I found out about Ted's story. Sawyer is already working this issue out with a group of investigators, we'll make sure to put these men behind bars and end this soon.
I called Anna to let her know, and as I expected she didn't take it well. "Hi Anna" I said the moment she answered. "Is something wrong with the kids?" was her frantic response. "No, no they are fine. Just wanted to talk to you about something." I said trying to re-assure her. "Ohh okay, what is it?" She asked directly, cutting to the chase. Okey, here goes nothing. "So, the kids want to go back home tomorrow." I said. "Ohh, finally. That's great. Why didn't they tell me, I'll arrange it now. " She said. "No need everything is set."

"But, Chritsian.." I cut her off "They are my kids too Anastasia. Let me take care of it." I said using my dominant voice, this woman is just driving me crazy with her independence. She keeps forgetting that I am also responsible for them and their needs. "Okay, I guess. Thank you." She said. Great, crisis averted. Now for the second problem. "I heard that Katy doesn't like flying much, so I thought that I might as well join them on their flight just to make sure nothing goes wrong." I said letting it all out at once. "Umm, Christian I". I cut her off before she comes back with any excuse. "I know that you don't want me at your house Anna, I get it. I just can't leave my kids on their own for that long, especially knowing that Katy doesn't like flying and might throw a tantrum. I don't think Ted and Phoebe will be able to take responsibility of her. They are all still kids." I said trying to re-inforce my point "BUT I..." I cut her off again "And I won't be invading your privacy. I promised to respect it and I will. I'll just drop the kids off and stay in an hotel then leave the next day. We also have to discuss some security arrangement for the you and the kids while you are in Denver."

"Security details, why?" She asked, shocked. "Anna, come on you are smart woman, you know that things would change now that the media knows about the kids. I won't put them in unnecessary danger just to make you happy. I won't. you and them will each have a CPO." I said angrily. "What do you mean out that in unnecessary danger to make me happy? Do you think I would risk my kids life? They are my children Christian. I have been taking good care of them for the last 7 years. I know what is best for them." She yelled back at me. This just pissed me off and made me lose all control I had "Yeah, as if they were not in danger. Is that why your son almost died because he pissed off the wrong guys. IS that why Phoebe was sexually assaulted at the age of 10 for 4 years under your great supervision." I said, and the moment I said the words I regretted them as I heard her sob through the phone. "You are right. What kind of mom am I. Maybe they should stay with you. It is safer for them." She said as she burst out crying. I can't believe I just did that. "Ana, no I am sorry. You are an amazing mother and you took great care of them. None of these incidents are your fault. There is no way you could have known what was happening with Phoebe if she herself didn't. I am really sorry for saying that. Baby please stop crying, you are a great mother I swear, you have raised three amazing children." I said as she continued to cry on the phone. I knew none of these things were her fault, she had no idea what happened with Ted as he didn't tell her anything about it. As for Phoebe, I just found out the other day that the fucking national gymnastics coach sexually assaulted all the girls in disguise of treatment. The girls didn't even know what was happening as they had no idea it was a sexual assault. They thought he was doing a medical procedure on them, he did that to 130 girls during his career. And unfortunately, my daughter was one of them. I only found out about it when I did  background check and the court hearing and reports came. This was not Anna's fault, as that doctor manipulated everyone around him and he did it when the girls were in training camps without their parents. I don't blame Anna for any of these incidents, it's just that I think I could have been able to protect them from such case if I was around. My security checks might have flagged a few things and I would have been able to keep my babies out of harms way. But in the end of the day, I have myself to blame for that. I am the one who drove Anna away and caused all that damage.

It took me sometime until I was able to calm Anna down and hang up before preparing for the day to come.

You guys deserve a very long update, which is why I took me some extra time. A lot of things were discussed in this chapter and hope you enjoy it. Next chapter will take place in Denver, the city that changes everything. Christian will finally see the conditions his family live in. Will he be part of their life? Comment what you think about the chapter and the developments.

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