Chapter 29

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I sat slumped over on the log in confusion. Why had I been so rude that last night. Luciana was only angry and hurt, she was still mourning her dead friends of whom my father had ordered to be killed.
Luciana had every right to be angry at me, sort of, she was sad and confused. I could tell, because she stomped by and glared at everyone she saw that she needed someone to comfort her while Moonsnapper was away.
I got up and walked towards her quietly, she hadn't heard me and when I accidentally brushed my wing against hers, she spun around and lashed at me. "Sorry sorry!" I cried and she growled. "I didn't mean to startle you, I just came by to say I'm sorry."

So what? Do you think because you apologized that I will?" Luciana asked.

No, I only came by just to say I'm sorry, you wouldn't have to say anything at all." I answered.

Yeah yeah, whatever." She hissed.

I watched her walk away and I sighed. Should I just leave her? I really wanted to help her, I wanted to make her feel better.
All of a sudden my mind was made up and I ran after Luciana until I was starring into her eyes.

You gonna move?" She asked in a very threatening tone.

N-no." I gulped and she growled.

Why do you need to bother me?" She asked.

I want to help you." I answered.

Ha! As if I would need help!" She laughed.

I want to make up for how mean I was, you lost your friends because of my family." I explained.

You can't make up for a death unless you die." She hissed.

What, but, no! No, I'm not going to do that for you!" I cried.

Then all that's left to make up for what you've done, is by leaving." She explained.

I will, as soon as they come back with the witch so that I can go home!" I snapped.

What happened to you trying to make up for this?!" Luciana asked.

I did try! You just wont except that I want to help you so now I wont! You're on your own now and I'm happy about it!" I snapped.

Get out."

Excuse me? What did you just say?" I asked.

I said get out, leave, before I kill you." She answered.

I'm not leaving until I get that cure." I hissed.

I don't care! Go find Moonsnapper and Spinescale, follow them! Then I will never have to see you again!" She roared.

I can't just leave, I wont know where they went!" I hissed.

If you don't leave now I will kill you." She warned me as she came closer, baring her teeth.

If you kill the elemental queen, Moonsnapper and Spinescale will never forgive you." I growled.

What makes you think that you're so special?" Luciana asked.

I have more power than you think, and I spread love." I answered.

Ha! As if!" She laughed.

We're back!" Someone cried from the clouds and we both looked up to see Moonsnapper and Spinescale appear, they were also holding something incredibly small.

Back so soon?" Luciana asked.

She wasn't too far away, she was only in the mountains harvesting berries." Moonsnapper explained as he dropped the little human or elf onto the ground gently. "So, what's been going on?"

Oh nothing, everything has been going great, Luciana and I have gotten closer than ever." I answered and she looked at me.

What?" Luciana whispered into my ear and I only laughed in a way that took everyone's attention to a confusing state.

So, is that my cure?" I asked as I came closer to the little creature. "The witch?"

Yes I am, and don't refer to me as a witch like that, it sounds incredibly rude." The little human, elf, thingy said. "What has my mother done to you?"

Well, she offered to help me by disguising me, and I guess that was by turning me into a dragon." I explained.

I've heard she's done that a lot." The little human witch replied as she looked closely at me. "I see the spell, I know the spell, I smell the spell."

Ok..." I said.

All you need to do is look your true love in the eyes, and within five days, you will become the Elemental queen again." She explained.

That's really all?" I asked.

Yep, now I'm dreadfully sad that this wasn't important or interesting because I was having a great time picking berries for my newest cure." She answered.

Want us to take you back?" Spinescale asked the little witch.

No no, remember that I teleported us here, I can do that for myself now." She answered as she disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Wow." I said as I kept starring at where she had disappeared.

Ok, shows over, go find that true love of yours." Luciana said.

There's a problem." I replied.

And what is it now your royal pain?" She asked.

I don't know who my true love is." I answered.

Too bad so sad, leave!" She snapped.

Fine, I'm sure I can find him or her, then I'll be an elf again and I can see River." I replied as I started to walk away.

It was really nice meeting you." Moonsnapper called after me.

Come again any time!" Cried Spinescale as he waved with his wing.

Even though being a dragon as crazy and I was happy that I could have the chance to be an elf again, I was going to miss those crazy dragons, they ended up being family, even though I still hardly knew any of them. It would be kind of sad to leave my strong muscular body behind, since I was bigger than Poppy, but it would be great to see River again.

Wait!" Spinescale cried as he came running.

I stopped and turned around to look at him. "Is there something wrong?"

Yes, you left without that gift you wanted to give to your daughter, remember, the ember crystal?" He answered.

You wouldn't mind if I took one?" I asked as he handed it to me.

No, it's the least we could do, besides, my messenger is making a deal with a firestorm right now to get more of these." He answered.

Thank you so much." I said as I hugged him quickly.
After we parted I continued on my way to look for my mysterious, true, love...

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