Chapter 23

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As I opened my eyes I remembered everything. I knew where I was and I knew who had ordered for me to be locked inside a cell as a prisoner.
I slowly got up and sat on the cold stone floor, waiting for some sort of a meal.
I could hear footsteps on stone stairs leading towards the cells and I could hear the groans of prisoners in other cells around me.

Why are you in here?" A voice from behind me asked and I turned my head quickly to look behind me.

It was an old Elfor or, just an Elfor. "Who are you?" I asked.

No one important really, just a simple servant of the queen." He answered.

How did you get in here?" I asked.

Answer my question first and then I will tell you, it is rude not to answer a question coming before your own." He answered.

I am in here because of my younger sister, Poppy, she is king Magnus' future wife, she hates me, so, why else would I be here." I explained.

I am in here because the queens daughter decided that I should be blamed for the murder on her younger sister, it was really the eldest, the one who blamed me, who killed her own sister for the throne." He answered. "Of course she was going to punish me, I was ready for my execution, but, since I was her most loyal servant to her majesty, she sent me here as a prisoner instead, she does not ever want to see me ever again."

That is horrible." I replied and he slightly nodded. "No elf should ever be accounted guilty before all facts and evidence is found."

Her majesty was only trying to protect her and her family, but her daughter, Neva, decided it was time to frame me for a murder she committed." He growled.

I did not realize until our conversation ended that Poppy was waiting outside my cell.

Hello Tera." She hissed.

Poppy, I swear that you will rot in hell!" I snapped and I jumped at the bars and nearly caught her by the neck.

Calm down, you do not want me to kill you before our meeting do you?" Poppy asked.

I would rather die then talk to the royals again!" I hissed.

Too bad." She chuckled and I was dragged out by guards and up the cold stairs.

I tried to fight them but then I chose to save my energy incase I needed it. Yes I did not want to talk, but, if I was on the ground above, I could maybe escape.
I let them drag me up, but I made myself so limp it was harder for them to take me away, and it was fun to watch them struggle.
I looked around, examining every turn, every corner, every painting on every wall, and all of the decorations. I examined everything just so I could remember where to go if I had my chance to escape, but I would maybe have to bribe some guards to get them to unlock my cell and let me out.
I smiled to myself as I saw the exit. There was red carpet in front of the doors and there were paintings of fires all around it. It made the hairs on my body stand up, I would never forget the people in the painting who had fire burning around them.
Finally after the guards had struggled to drag me up the stairs and down the halls, the war room was just around the corner where I assumed the meeting would be held.
I was dragged inside and I found myself starring into the eyes of many fire elves. "Oh my, an execution vote? What the hell is this?"

I say we kill her now and get it over with." Poppy snapped and Magnus bit his lip looking ill.

The guards from Tera's palace know that we have her, if she went missing, they would ransack the kingdom." Magnus explained.

Then let them, my sister is too weak for life, no one needs her anymore. Yes she has her 'daughter', but I can take care of her, I can adopt her." Poppy replied.

What about the kingdom?" Reaver asked.

I can take care of that too." She answered.

What about the forest kingdom?" I asked.

She glared at me. "My kingdom is going to be taken care of."

You can not control two kingdoms at once Poppy, you should know that by now." I replied.

What do you know!?" She spat.

More than you probably." I answered.

Back to the vote! I vote to kill her!" Poppy snapped.

I am afraid we can not do that, we have to have a meeting with the entire kingdom, they will vote her fate." Reaver replied.

Why can we no vote?" Poppy asked.

Because, most in here want to please you, the kingdom, they feel free to have freedom of speech, so they get to vote." He answered.

Fine, the fire kingdom gets to vote my OWN sister's fate." Poppy growled.

Great, so, I have to stand by you all?" I asked with a disgusted face.

Shut up before I slit your throat." Poppy warned and I smirked.

Reaver suddenly looked fearful. "I have forgotten about River and Amber!"

I am sure those two will be fine on their own." Poppy replied.

No." Reaver said. "They are here at the palace! They came with Tera and they saw her losing consciousness."

Poppy looked as though she was ready to burst. "You knew the plan and yet you allowed her to bring Amber and River!?"

Amber will not let you get away with this, if she has not yet left yet she will soon to bring help." I exclaimed.

Reaver!" Poppy roared. "Get the guards to search the palace."

I caught Reaver and Magnus glancing at each other and I could tell they thought that we sounded like children fighting over something.

Poppy looked at me, her eyes seemed to be red. "I will kill you."

Go ahead, try, you will die first." I answered and she grabbed a knife.

That is it!" She roared and she lunged at me but I dodged her and she ended up stabbing a guard instead.

The other guard was caught off guard, haha! A little pun to lighten the mood. And since he was off guard, his spear caught onto my chains and I ran from the guard. The chains somehow broke and I took my chance as soon as I heard the sound of the chains breaking.
I ran as fast as I could down the hall but the chains I had dragged away caught my leg and I tripped, falling face first into the polished floor of the palace.

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