Chapter 18

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I felt something tapping on my shoulder and I jolted awake, ready to fight my attacker; but then I saw a little blond girl looming over me.

Hi." She said and I screamed.

I jumped out of bed and stumbled to the far side of the bedroom until I remembered that I had rescued her from freezing to death the previous night. I suddenly felt terrible. "Sorry, if I scared you."

Scared me? But I scared you." She said.

Yes but when I screamed, I could have startled you too." I explained.

Oh, I still wasn't scared." She answered.

Ok, River, is there something that you would want to eat for breakfast?" I asked.

I can make my own food queen Tera." She answered.

I think you need to rest, no need for making anything, I will make something for the two of us to eat." I insisted.

Ok, if that's what you want." She replied and I carefully took her hand in mine. While her hand was in my hand I suddenly felt fearful and let go.

What is wrong?" River asked.

Nothing, lets go down to the kitchen." I answered and we both carefully made our way down the steps of the palace.
We found our way into the kitchen and I heard yelling. "What is going on?" I asked a maid.

I do not know, I am almost certain that everyone left for the ceremony." The maid answered.

Must be the two guards, they will be fine soon, come River." I said and we looked for a book or scroll of recipes.
I found the book and the first page I turned to gave me the idea to make a delicious breakfast that was usually only made for royals on their birthday. "How do you feel about having eggs with freshly cooked bacon?"

It sounds delicious, but I do not know what bacon is." She answered. "I have never had it before."

I then remembered that River was not a royal and had never been able to have bacon for breakfasts. "Guess it will be our first time trying it." I replied and she smiled. "Now River, what did your parents do for money?"

They ruled." She answered.

In whatever job they had I am sure they did, indeed, rule." I replied.

No, they ruled." She repeated.

I stopped looking for the ingredients and looked down at her curiously. "What do you mean they ruled?" I asked.

They did what you do." River answered.

You mean, that your mother and father are the king and queen of the water kingdom?" I asked.

They were, the king and queen of the water kingdom." She answered.

Oh River, I am so sorry. I completely forgot the rule. I can not believe that I forgot." I said. "I must return you to your kingdom."

No!" She cried out. "I do not want to go back."

Why not?" I asked.

They do not want me there, that is why I ran, I heard something from my uncle." She answered.

What did you hear?" I asked.

I was in my chamber, praying, and I heard my uncle from outside in the hall. He was talking to someone else out there and I heard him say that he was the one who killed my parents, and he wanted to become king, but that is impossible, because I am still alive and I am next." River explained. "He said that with me around, he did not have a  chance to become king, so then he started to make a plan that he would keep me a prisoner and pretend I was dead, or he would kill me. His favourite was just to kill me and he wanted to become king right away so he decided that he would kill me at midnight when I would be asleep. As soon as I heard my uncle and the elf that as with him leave, I ran to my closet and grabbed my pouch that had money in it"

Is that it? What happened next?" I asked with curiosity. "And how can you talk so well?!"

I waited for a while, then I ran quietly down the stairs and got out of the palace. I ran fast to the village and I ran into an Elfor who had a stagecoach. I asked for a ride and offered all the money in the pouch. He took it but said that he also wanted my necklace. The necklace was from my mother, she had given it to me for protection. I said no and he took it anyway. He left me in the mud. I was scared and ran out to the forest anyways. I  ran off down the trail and thats when you found me." River explained.

How old are you?" I asked.

Seven." She answered.

You have no trouble talking and you know how to tell a story." I commented.

Thank you, my mother was a good teacher. She said I would have a bright future ahead of me. I do not know what that means though." She replied.

So, you are the heir to the throne?" I asked.

Does heir mean that I am supposed to be queen next?" She asked.

Yes." I answered.

Oh, than yes, I am the heir to the throne of water."

Did you leave a note?" I asked.


Before you left."

Yes, not in my room though, I gave it to a guard to read to the kingdom. My uncle should never be king so I wanted to make that impossible for him, but if he got the letter before it was read to the kingdom, he would kill me on sight if he were to ever see me again." River explained.

That makes sense, but I am sure the guard you chose to give the letter to, did as told and explained to the kingdom that you had ran away." I replied. "And also that your uncle killed your parents."

I am happy I escaped." She answered.

Well umm, River, I am glad you escaped too, but, you have to return." I said.

What?! Why?" She asked.

You are a royal, It is against every rulebook for me to keep an heir to the throne of a kingdom, I have to return you to your home." I explained.

Please no!" She cried. "My uncle will be there! And he might take me away to kill me!"

I will make sure that never happens." I assured her.

How would you know!? If you stayed he would be kind to us but then after you would leave he would kill me!" She cried.

Well River, I just do not  know what to tell to you." I snapped.

Say that you will make me your daughter." She said.

What!? River you are the Water Kingdoms heir to the throne! I can not adopt you!" I cried.

Please! I will never become Queen there as long as my uncle is alive! I have no real family there! Please just say that you will adopt me!" She pleaded.

River-" She cut me off by hugging me, which startled me at first but then my heart melted and I hugged her back. "Fine, I will adopt you."

YAY!" She screamed and jumped into my arms, making my heart melt even more.

Now, I will make our eggs and bacon, and then we can both go down into the village to find a way to make this official, if you are sure this is what you want."

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