Chapter 22

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I fell asleep on my throne buried under a pile of scrolls. My hands were stained with ink that I had been using throughout the night. The feather I had used to write with was somehow in my hair and I was hunched over snoring.
I jolted awake when I was being pushed by someone.

Morning mommy!" A sweet voice said and I looked down to see little River tugging on my dress.

Good Morning darling." I replied.

You missed breakfast." She said and I sighed.

I suppose that today is not a day for eating." I answered and she slightly frowned. "I have a lot to do still."

When can you come play?" River asked.

Soon, I promise." I answered.

You do not have to promise. You are going to be busy." She sighed before she soon ran off to go play with some of the wooden toys that had been stored away in the palace somewhere.

As I finished my work some time later I was startled by the palace doors when they slammed shut. I looked up only to see Reaver, Magnus' Sergeant Major and his greatest friend.

News from the king of fire." He announced and I sat up straight as he handed me the scroll.

Hello dear Queen Tera, I would be honoured to have you as an announcer for games in the arena, do come for a visit, we need to chat over some wine and steak.
Signed King Magnus of the Fire Elves." I read the letter out loud. "What is truly going on Reaver?"

He wants to have a meeting about trading that is all." Reaver answered, but I could see a glint of guilt in his eyes.

When do I leave?" I asked.

As soon as possible." He answered.

Great, next month it is." I replied as I got back to writing things down to make my work look neater.

NEXT MONTH!" He cried. "That certainly will not do! He said he wants you to speak at his arena!"

I am very quite busy Reaver dear, as you can see being a queen is a great responsibility." I explained.

Please, leave today, I am sure I can find you someone to take care of all this work." He replied.

Oh alright, when do we start packing?" I asked.


River and I." I answered.

Oh umm, you have a daughter?" He asked.

Why yes, I am needing to take care of her." I answered.

This is really, umm, an important meeting, there will be no time to take care of children." Reaver replied.

Oh alright, I will have Amber come along to take care of her. How long will we be gone?" I asked.

Depends." He answered slowly. "Do they have to come with us?"

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