Never mind too cheesy.

We entered the restaurant and as soon as the waiters saw Teo they smiled and gave us a place to sit.

"So how do these people know you?"

He smirked. "Well when I was fifteen I was kind of in a movie, it was kind of a hit but no big deal, and I come here a lot"

"What?" My jaw dropped open

"Just a movie." He looked outside towards the beach, still wearing a smile, "but how would you feel about surfing?"

"I'm up for surfing," I said as I ran my hands into my brown hair.

"I'm only up for surfing with you."

"Then it's settled we're going surfing." Just the thought of being with him again made my heart beat faster.

"Most defiantly."

We ordered pasta and a salad he insisted that we had apple juice and cookies for desert so we did.

"You're cool," He said as we walked out. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Yeah I know." We started walking over to a bridge that had an amazing view of the sea. We crossed it and sat on the last few steps.

"Let's play a game."


"Twenty questions."

"Okay," I repeated.

"I'm first because you said you were cool." I laughed and tilted my head back.


"Okay. My question is what are you planning on doing after you graduate."

"Moving here to la I need somewhere to live, though. So yeah I'm moving out."

He grinned at me. "Same."

"My turn!" I smiled "if you could have any girl on this world to be your girlfriend who would it is." I wanted to know the answer I wanted to make sure.

His eyes got serious for about a second and he looked down. "She's sitting right next to me. But of course, if she was to say no, then I'd probably go with Ariana Grande."

I looked up at the sky, the sun was fading birds were flying moon was coming out.

"There's a very low possibility she would say no."

I looked at him; he was staring right at me.

"My turn, what's the first thing that pops into your head when you hear Teo Halm?" His voice was low so that only I could hear him; he was very close to me.

"Amazing, sweet, charming, and very good looking." I got closer to him. I felt out noses touch.


I opened my eyes and pulled away. I was about to kiss him. He was about to kiss me. He pulled away as well and looked at the floor.

I checked my screen 'Emily'

C: "Emily?"


She's drunk great.

C: "Emily where are you."


C:" I can tell. Where are you?"

E: "I'll be back at the dorms tonight ok?"

She hung up.

"She's drunk."


"Roommate. She was a better friend four days ago."


"I'm sorry."

"It's ok." He smiled and took my hand.

"Here I want to show you something."

He led me to a shop with a bunch of amazing little decor and instruments s certain guitar caught my eye.

"Do you think they'd let me try it out?"

He nodded and passed me the guitar.

I started strumming the keys.

"The sea was to kiss the golden shore

The sunlight warms your skin.

All beauty that's been lost before

Wants to find us again.

I can't fight you anymore.

It's you I'm fighting for.

The sea throws rocks together but time leaves us polished stones.

We can't fall any further if we can't feel ordinary love,

And we cannot reach any higher if we can't deal with ordinary love."

I didn't really notice anything around me since I was singing until I looked up and saw Teo grinning with his arms crossed.

"Sorry, I didn't see you I was... Yeah." I put the guitar down and pulled Teo out of the store.

"You're so good!" He looked at me wide-eyed.

"No, I'm not Teo shush."

"Don't be embarrassed." I started walking away fast with a smile on my face but he hugged me from behind and lifted me up.

"Teo!" I was laughing. We were laughing.

He turned me around and hugged me tight. I didn't want him to let go.

He held both of my hands.

"Let's go watch a movie."

"Like now." I grinned

"Yeah like now. At my dorm."

"Can I trust you?" I asked him and then he laughed so hard that he almost fell.

"You can trust me." I smacked my elbow to his.

We got into his truck and drove back; we spent the whole time talking about our plans and what we wanted to do in the future. He wanted to be an actor.

We arrived shortly at his dorm and as he opened the door I remembered. Emily and the test she took.

" AGHHh!" I jumped a little

"What is it?" I asked still opening the door.

"I have a test. The chemistry tests the big one."

"Oh yeah, I had that today. You better go study."

"Right I'm sorry."

"But." I turned around he's grinning like an idiot.

"Ok 1, you owe me a movie day. 2, I could help you study for chemistry." I bit my lip and smiled.

"Yeah sure." I smacked him for the second time.

"I like you, Morgan."

I looked up at him. "I like you too Halm."

He smiled and I blushed. I leaned in and kissed him softly on the cheek.

"I like you more than just a like like, like not just a friend kind of like, you know." He laughed and I giggled.

"Bye Teo." I walked away from him

"Don't say goodbye."

I turned back and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Say goodnight so I don't feel like I'm losing you."

"Goodnight Teo." I smiled at him

"Goodnight beautiful." He smiled back and I entered the dorm and closed the door behind me with a loud sigh.

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