"Basically your little friend that got you in here Got caught up ." I looked at her waiting for her to continue. "The guy at the bodega finally gave up once we told him he could be in jail to for accessory of attempted murder ." A big smile spread across my face knowing where this was heading to. "Soooo.."she trailed off, "we got the actual footage of what happened that night you and Lucky got into that shootout." I breathed in and breathed out .

When I got locked up a couple years ago, I pleaded to self defense because that was the actual truth . I was shot at in an Alley but While runnin I tripped over something and thankfully I did because the bullet flew right over my head . I shot back at lucky And caught him in his chest but the bullet went near his spine,surprisingly he lived . When I tried to get the video from the guy that owned the corner store by my house he said he didn't have it ,but the real truth was lucky paid him hella money for him not to say shit and he didn't ,until now.

"So...My time here is done ?like- I'm going home?" I asked just to make sure that she wasn't playing with me right now ,and from the smile on her face..she wasn't.

I could cry but I don't like crying ,So I just smiled. "All of these years ,and you managed to do this ?" I looked at her . "You the fuckin' best' Shay, Deadass." I leaned in a little closer, "Have that pussy ready for me when I get home." She slightly bit her lip as my hand slowly made her way up her thigh. I felt her squeeze her legs together before quickly moving my hand making sure no one was looking ."Camille quit it. She chuckled.

I laughed before smiling down at the papers.

A bitch is really about to be free.

It was recreation time and I already knew where the girls were . I was mad Excited to tell them this news ,but I was also a little nervous, I didn't know how they would react.

I spotted the fam once I saw Vickie's Little curly fro'. A smile spread across my face again at the thought of me actually getting out soon ,I was anxious to know what day tho ,not even gon' front.

"Watchu' all happy about ?" Vickie smirked at me .

"I got some good news." I smiled looking at her and Von. I looked around, "where's Tasha ?".

"She at her little salon doing hair,you know ..the usual" Von Shrugged , I just realized she had a girl sitting on her lap . I was too busy focused on the news I had got to even pay attention . On some real shit I think Von could pull any bitch in this world ,probably more than a nigga can.

"You gon tell us the news or you just gon stand there ?" Vickie chuckled. "I fake wanted to wait til all three of y'all were here but fuck it ima just say it" they both looked at me waiting for me to continue. I smiled before "ya girl about to be free bitchesssss!" Both Vickie and Vons eyes were both wide open and smiles spread across their faces.

"WHAT!?" Vickie damn near jumped on me before finding out ,I explained everything to them.

"So where that lucky nigga at now ?" Von asked. I shrugged, "I heard he hasn't been in town in a while he's on the run ."

"Did you tell your grandmother yet?" Vickie asked as she sat down . I shook my head , "nah ,not yet... I wanna surprise her."

"You're gonna give that poor lady a heart attack" Vickie Laughed.

I couldn't believe I was finally about to be home and be free and do whatever the fuck I want . Even though I was happy ,it was time to get back into beast mode ,because there was definitely some shit I needed to handle. I still wanted revenge for my brothers death and even though Tyler and the rest of the guys back home said they would handle it,I wanted to handle it myself ,I wanted my brothers killer to see my face before he took his last breath. Me and my brother resembled each other a lot in the face ,which only made it better,When his killer saw me he was gonna see him too.

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