Chapter 4 - Forgiving

Start from the beginning

"Damien, you might wanna shut up before I do something I might regret."Jeffery threatend.

"Hold up. You're not doing anything to my brother. Mom, don't  you see what's going on?" I said.

"Stay out of this, Anyssa. I don't mind hitting a female." He said. Then a smirk came across his face."I did it before."he looked at my mom.

That's all it took for Damein to lash out on him. He starting punching him then upper cutting him. My mom screamed for him to stop but he wouldn't. Eventually, Jeffery fell on the floor and Damien kept on fighting him. I saw Jeffery wasn't moving that much.

"Wait, Damien stop!" I said pulling him away. He kept trying to go back over there but I held him back."Damien, chill okay? He got his." I said. Damien eyes started to get red and watery. "Now don't start crying. He's not worth our tears." I said hugging him. He probally pictured Jeffery putting his hands on mom. I sighed but then pulled back from the hug when I heard police sirens. I imediately thought about Tristen and Asia. I was about to run upstairs until I saw mom with the phone in her hand.

"You called the cops?He's gonna go to jail!" I shouted at her.

"That's where criminals belong, Anyssa. You saw what he did to Jeffery." she argued pointing to the beat up man on the floor.

"That's only because of what he did to you! He did that for you! He was protecting YOU!"

"Well its done now. He's going to jail. What if he actually killed him. What am I supposed to do without Jeffery?" she asked crying.

"What the fuck? What do you mean Jeffery? He's not even relevant. You're trying to take away my brother because he was standing up for you? What the fuck, mom? What's wrong with you?" I asked.

The police barged in. I ran to Damien and hugged him.

"No. No. No. Don't take him. He didn't do anything! Stop them, mom!" I shouted because they started pulling me from them while the others handcuffed him.

"What's done is done, Anyssa." Mom glared before she left with Jeffery in the ambulance.

I sat on the couch crying hard. What just happend? I then thought about Tristen and Asia. I got up to go get them when I saw them at the top of the staircase. "I thought I told you to stay in the closet?" I scolded at them.

They rushed down to me at they both were teary-eyed. "What happend to Jef and mom?" Asia asked.

"Where's Damien? Where did they take him?" Tristen asked, too. I wiped my tears while they did the same. "Go get some clothes guys. We're not staying here tonight. Pack some clothes for tomorrow and your toothbrushes." I ordered. They went upstairs and I followed doing the same. I pack some clothes, shoes, lotion, and my toothbrush. I had all my things in a duffle bag while they had their miniture suitcases.  I went through them to make sure they put what they needed inside and we went to the car. I got them something to eat from Zaxby's. I called Micheal because I didn't want to spend alot of money getting a hotel to stay in.


"Oh you wanna talk now at one in the morning?" he said a little irritated.

"Look, we'll talk about that later but I need to stay at your place tonight."

"What happend?" I noticed he sounded more alert.

"I'll tell you when I get there. Unlocked the door for me. I got my little sister and my little brother with me."

"Oh alright. Be careful driving. There's alot of drunks on the road at this time." I smiled at his concern.

"Okay. Thanks so much."

"Its okay. Hurry up though."

We said our goodbyes and I drove carefully to his house. When we got there, we got our stuff and walked in his apartment. He didn't live with his mom because of personal reasons. He helped us with our bags and showed Tristen and Amelia their room to sleep in for tonight. I helped them get ready for bed and kissed them goodnight. Micheal was sitting up in his bed when I walked into his room.

"Soo..." he said waiting for me to tell him what happend. I told him and he listened to it all.

"I honestly don't know what tomorrow's gonna be like. I'm getting my owm apartment. I want the twins to stay with me though. I wouldn't want them to grow up in a mad house. That shit isn't fair. I'm going to bail Damien out tomorrow. My dad set me up an bank account with emergency money. So I'm pretty set." I said getting in bed with him. I had changed into some shorts but kept my tank top on.

He wrapped his arm around me and pecked my lips. We were face to face.

"Anyssa. Me and Zayna didn't fuck or anything. That was our first and last time messing around. " he admitted.

"Can we just forget about earlier. I don't want to talk about it." I said lowly.

"Alright" he said then pulled me closer to him. All we did was kiss and cuddle. It was just perfect and relaxing. But I knew I was going to deal with my mom and Jeffery tomorrow.


-SCENE- Alrighty guys ! Go and check out my other story called "Maybe ((Chris Brown FanFic))" please . Its really good . But yeeaahh.

- This chapter though !

- What Is Wrong With That Lady !?! Mann .

- She trippinn hard asf .

- Damien in jail ?!?

- How y'all feel about that ?

- Micheal and Zayna ?

- Micheal and Anyssa ?


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