Death's Lady

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Tell me the story of how the grim reaper was in love with a woman. And when she dies, he has to take her to hell.

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I've always been fascinated with her.  She was so obsessed with death and dying that I had go take notice.  Of course I've seen my fair share of people try to off themselves and take on professions dealing with death, but not one quite like her.  She's the most stubborn human I've seen.

She tries everything to die.  If one method doesn't work, she tries another.  It's like she's trying to get me to notice her.  She's saying "Hey Death, look at me!"

There are periods of time when she takes a break and doesn't try anything, and it makes me sad.  Which is weird because I hate it when people die and want to die.  It's probably because I can only see her when she's in the brink of death, on that line between the living and the dead.

I leave my posts for weeks at a time.  I'm allowed to be on the earth plane but only for two weeks at a time and then I go back for two months.  When I'm down on earth, I spend time with her.  I had to spend time getting to know her, but now we're close.  The excuse I give for her leaving me is my job, which is true.

She's more beautiful in person, and whenever I'm sent back, I become angry.  I get angry because every time I'm gone, she tries to join me again.  She just doesn't realize it.  And now that I've gotten to know her.  I don't like seeing her on the line.  I want her to live and enjoy her life to the fullest.  While I can't be there for her forever, I will always think of her.

I was told that the one who embodied Death could have no emotions or feelings.  I was told Death couldn't care for humans and their well-being.  But she changed that.  She made my very existence better.

She taught Death how to love.  She did the impossible.

We were in love, and I went on like this for two years with her.  It just so happened at that time I came to the realization that our relationship couldn't progress.  We could never get married or have children, and I wanted that for her.

So I ended it.  I broke off ties with her even though it pained me to do so.  When I returned again, I had no idea how she was coping and dealing with it.

One day, I was called to the line again.  It was usual business for me going to escort the elderly and other victims of life and nature to their respective afterlives.  But I saw her again.

I had seen the many ways she tried to die, but this was the most gruesome.  I knelt by her with tears in my eyes as I watched her line waver and disappear.  Her eyes opened and landed on me.

"Where am I?" she asked.

"You're dead," I tell her.  "I'm here to escort you to your afterlife." She couldn't believe what I was telling her.  I did my best as I explained and walked her down the stairs.  We came to a read gate, and she looked at me.

"This must be a mistake.  I don't belong in hell," she whispers tugging my arm.  "Bring me upstairs please." She cries as I nod my head no.  I couldn't do this for her no matter how much I want to.  "What did I do that was so wrong?"

"Love Death," I say and kiss her forehead.  "This is where we say goodbye."

"I'm not ready to say goodbye for the second time," she cries out hugging me.

"Nor I, but I have other souls to tend to."  I gently push her forwards towards the door.

"Will I see you again?"  This was the saddest question she could've asked.

"No this is the end," I say looking at her face to commit it to memory.  "I'll never forget you."

She looks at me crying as I close the doors on her locking her away forever.

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A Short Story Collection #Wattys2018حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن