Hot Mess Express XVII

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My friend Tai and I have written these with only writing the next sentence based off the last few words or phrase.  I'll put in bold what we saw when we had to write our sentences.  My sentences will be underlined and his will be italicized.

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Date:  March 27, 2058. Planet:  Mercury. Alien Life Form:  Barney and Friends

There seems to be a large violet reptile communicating with small, young primates.  Weapon {shock rifle} authorized.

Misson to Take Over Planet Earth Through Children commences operation in 3,2,1.

Barney was halfway through talking with Mary-Anne when everything went black.  That was the last thing he could remember.

When he awoke, he found himself in a house with many rooms and a banner welcoming him.  Outside the window, he saw a playground with kids running around.  None of them had their parents with them.  Perfect.

Barney's eyes slowed opened, the glaring light blinding him momentarily.  He soon realized that he was restrained, manacles fastening him to a table.

"Won't you be my friend?" Barney asked the kid giggling.  "I'll never be your friend!" the kid shouted out.  The purple dinosaur just laughed.  "BJ, flip the switch." His yellow friend flilped a switch that brainwashed the kid.

"No Terry!" Barney screamed.  Metal prongs held his eyes open.  "You monsters!  Why are you doing this!"

"Because we were sent here on a mission," Baby Bop said.  "We were sent here to take over your world."

A loud boom sounded over head.  A red blur dropped fr the ceiling, and two aliens were dead instantly.  Elmo had arrived.

"Have you started without me?" he asked with that high pitched laugh of his.  "What are you doing here?" asked Barney.

"These gray skinned fucks messed with the wrong street gang!  Now get your ass out there and fuck 'em up!" Elmo shouted as he tossed Barney an uzi.

"It's time for the real party to begin!"

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