Hot Mess Express V

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This time, and for the next few Hot Mess Expresses, my friend Tai and I have written these with only writing the next sentence based off the last few words or phrase.  I'll put in bold what we saw when we had to write our sentences.  My sentences will be underlined and his will be italicized.

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If today was your last day, if tomorrow was too late, could you say goodbye to yesterday?

The girl read aloud in the cave; the archeologist team didn't understand it.

It's not working.  It's not worth it.  You wanted it to be picture perfect.

The team glanced at each other wondering why it was so.  The shook their heads.  No answer.

The answer to the meaning of life is 42.  The problem is: what is the question?

Nobody wanted to answer the question they posed.  It was too dangerous to speak.

Speaking requires vibrating air in a person's general direction with your vocal cords.

Her vocal cords snapped as a long arm reached from the dark abyss.

Artorias the Abyss-Walker was a virtuous man until he became corrupted

Whatever was hiding in the cave was corrupted and wamted to do the same to them.

Then there dirtbags be doubtin' my southern swag.  Eat mah' lead asshole!

It ripped into their assholes shredding it apart with blood and poop flying.

"Nani!" said the flying spaghetti monster to wacky wailing inflatable arm flailing tube man.

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