Scaly Mom

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This was built in the same way the Mad Scientist story was.  From rolling the dice I got:  a mom with scaly skin who stuffs road kill for fun with it taking place in a bed room with moldy gym socks and a woman with a back tattoo.

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Having scaly skin is usually one of my biggest turnoffs for me, and if they weren't, they would be freaked out about my strange hobby of stuffing road kill.  Miraculously, a man feel in love with me against all odds, and we ended up getting married after only knowing each other for six months.  I thought it was a bit weird, but I overlooked it as I succumbed to my happiness.

We were happily married when I became pregnant and bore twins, one with scaly skin and one without.  I was happy about the twins, but for some reason I noticed he had become somewhat distant.  He would stay long hours at work and go immediately to sleep upon returning home.  I became extremely worried and began thinking he would leave me the scaly woman for. . . well a normal woman.

Tonight when the children were with my mother, I heard strange noises coming from the bedroom that we shared.  I slowly walked over and pushed the door open only a sliver.  With my own eyes, I saw my husband on top of a midget woman but then realized that she had a dick.  On both of their things were moldy gym socks, and I gasped in disgust.  She turned away from me to pull on her clothes revealing a tattoo that said "I fucked your bitch nigga, he sucked my dick."

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