Modern Day Fairytale

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On this particular day, we were talking about Brothers Grimm (for those who don't know, they wrote fairytales that are darker than what is shown by Disney). In this class, we were told to take a classic fairytale or story and re-write it with a bit of darkness in it and make it a bit more modern. I chose to do Hansel & Gretel.


The young brother and sister had lost their way in the big city and needed help getting back to their mother. Being lost in the big city was no fun. They tried sticking sticky notes onto signs or buildings, but they got blown off by the wind or taken down by people. As they walked onwards, the buildings became further and further apart. Finally, they couldn't walk on anymore and needed to sleep and have some food.

There was a brightly colored two story house that attracted the children. The two children thought the colors were pretty and that the house was nice. Because of this, they knocked on the door, and a small girl opened it.

"Please come in. My Lady will be most impressed." They followed her up the stairs and into a room to wait as instructed. Hours passed, and they slept on and off staring at the walls wondering where their mother was and if she was coming for them.

"Dear children. Please come and join me in a feast," said a beautiful young woman from the door. They jumped up and followed her down to the kitchen ready for a chance to eat. Laid out on the table was a turkey and side dishes that were of none importance.

"Where is that girl?" the two asked after they finished eating.

"Why dear children," the woman said with a smile, "she's in your stomach."


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