Hot Mess Express XIII

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This time, and for the next few Hot Mess Expresses, my friend Tai and I have written these with only writing the next sentence based off the last few words or phrase.  I'll put in bold what we saw when we had to write our sentences.  My sentences will be underlined and his will be italicized.

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Though the world around him lay in pieces, though his comrades lives have ended, the knight lifted his blade to the great drake.

He slammed it down upon the drake's head hoping to sever it but failing.

The hulking beast swiped its mighty tail, sending the knight flying.  The knight's left arm snaps, yet he lifts his massive blade with one arm.

The drake eyes him warrily suprised that the knight was still trying to fight.  The drake's head shook.

The knight charged, plunging the blade into the wyren's arm.  The beasts roared in pain.

People watching the knight and the drake battle drew in a shaky breath.

His sword now free, he stabbed his blade into the drake's tail and charged up its back, slicing through scales, muscle, and bone.  The drake turned and breathed a torrent of flame down its spine.

The pain rippled down his back, but he still kept going.  The audience cheeree loudly.

"What a climatuc ending!" said one friend to another.  "I know!" was the reply.  "I can't believe you took me to watch a nerd flick." said a girl to her boyfriend.

"I thought you would've liked it," the guy told the girl.  Maybe if there was romance involved, but there wasn't!"

"That's the kick innit?  The knight isn't alive at tbe end, so he can't get the princess."

"I hate that nickname.  I told you to stop calling me that."

"Oh well.  Come on, I'll drop you off at your house."

A Short Story Collection #Wattys2018Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang