Held Hostage By a Wasp

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Based on a true story nothing is changed.

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As I walked to my last class of the day, I noticed the weather had gotten muggy and humid. I've always hated this type of weather because it made my hair frizz and poof out, and that's when a lot of bugs decide to come out of hiding and play. But that is what happens when you live in the south.

Having settled down into my assigned desk, I took out what I needed for the class before copying down the bell ringer. Halfway through writing it down, there were a few shrieks of surprise and then the lights went out.

"It's a wasp!" someone shouted out pointing at the ceiling causing I to crawl under her desk to hide.

"We turned the lights out. Why won't he leave?" another person asked just as the wasp started to fly around to the right side of the room. This caused an even louder commotion in the classroom and for other people to run away to a different desk hoping to get away.

"Calm down it's just a wasp," the teacher shouted trying to regain control of the class. People still whispered and shouted every time the wasp moved about. "Stop talking! If you keep talking, the wasp will follow the vibration of your voice."

"But the air condition is on and is making vibrations," R grumbled in the desk next to mine.

"I feel like we're all held hostage by the wasp," J said causing a chorus of giggles to arise and alleviate the tension a bit.

"Oh hell no," D said coming in the classroom looking directly at the wasp. He walked over to where it was hovering at slowly never breaking eye contact. D looked over at the teacher before he spoke again, "Can I just punch it?"

"No you cannot. Just sit down please," the teacher said with a sigh clearly aggravated with the whole ordeal that was taking place. I'm pretty sure she just wanted to get on with class and do the bell ringer.

"I got my eye on you bitch," D whispered moving his fingers from his eyes to the wasp and then going sit down. We went on with the bell ringer still wary of the wasp. D muttered a few things every now and then like "I gotta kill him."

"Get the fuck outta here Larry!" R shouted out in a fit of rage with voice increasing in pitch. We all laughed until the wasp, or Larry as R calls it, started moving. "Oh fuck it moved. We all gonna die!" Larry moved towards the door, so we thought he was going to leave soon as it had been ten minutes now.

"He's calling his little buddies," D said pointing at him and giving Larry the stank eye. After that though, there wasn't any comments for awhile, so we could finally finish the BELL RINGER. But then again, good things never last.

"Shut up R. Nobody wants to listen to you," M said joking with him, nut then Larry started to move.

"Larry's coming for you," I told her in mock horror pointing.

"He didn't like that," R said shaking his head.

"Look his friends are here!" D shouted pointing towards the door. Sure enough, two more wasps were flying in. Everyone started to freak our again trying to get away.

"I have had enough!" the teacher shouted going over to her desk and grabbing a book. She walked over to the wasps and started batting at them trying to get them out of the room. This went on for a few minutes, and we were all saying things like "Get em! Get em!" Finally, she got them out.

"We're saved!"

"Dobby is a free elf!"

Author's Note: This happened to me a few weeks ago no joke.

A Short Story Collection #Wattys2018Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon