Olivia AU: Snippet 1

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So I know I did an Olivia story already, but we started figuring out the rest of her murder mystery and her life. Part of it was to make up a story about who wrote the letter we found, so I did. Everyone in the class told me to do what I did with Adonis and Atticus and do it with this, so I am. Here it is.

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I don't know how long it's been since I've been here underground. It's probably been hours, but how can I tell? After what I thought was my last breath, I opened my eyes still alive and staring at the dirt. Becoming desperate, I tried to dig my way out of the ground to no avail. I was only able to stick my hand out and wave it around like a fish out of water, but now I can't because I'm tired. I'm just laying away buried in the ground with only my hand being the only part of me above this dirt layer.

There was a digging sound to my right that made my spine shiver in fear even though I was sweating under here. With no way to know what was above me, I didn't know if Sydney and Reginald came back to kill me. Finally, I was able to move a bit to dig myself out of this hole. I saw a raccoon looking at me strangely before it ran away from me in fear. I don't blame the poor thing really, I mean I would be freaked out too if I saw someone dig themselves out of the ground when they are supposed to be dead.

Being out of the ground felt good for my muscles as I stood and stretched my aching limbs. I could see the sun's rays peaking out on the tree tops realizing it was a new dawn, a new day. People would know that I'm missing by now, so I can't go back. I looked into the woods and decided to take the opportunity to go through them hoping to come out at the next town. With only a single tear falling from my eyes, I walked into the woods.

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As the days went by, I slowly lost count of them along with my remaining sanity. My only companion's were the dead animals that hung from my waist as I killed them that would eventually become a meal for me at one point. During my first few days out here, I moved along during the day and ate bugs as I shivered at night. Now, I wander around aimlessly not knowing where I am or where I'm going anymore. It's been so long since I've seen an actual person that I now talk to myself, my meals, and the animals I prey upon. Most days, my head hurts, so I try my best to sleep through it hoping that the pain stops but wake up disappointed it was still there.

Making my way back to the fire I set up a little while ago, I scramble to hide behind a nearby tree. I peeked my head out to see a boy about my age. He was incredibly charming and good looking, but I wanted him to go away. I moved my head back for a few moments thinking he saw me before peeking out again to find him gone. I turned around finding myself face to face with him.

"Who are you?" he asked me looking directly into my eyes as if he could see into the very depths of my soul.

"Are you real?" I asked him reaching out with my arm to touch his shoulder cautiously. I jump back in surprise of feeling something solid and hit the base of the tree with my back.

"How long have you been here?"

"I-I don't know. I-it's been t-too long."

"What are you doing out here?"

"Trying to live."

"Wouldn't that be better if you had clothes and a house?" he asked stepping towards me with an outstretched hand.

"I-I guess s-so."

"So come with me then. What's your name?" I blinked a few times racking my broken brain for the answer long buried away in the deep recesses of my mind.


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Author's Note: Sorry about this being a day late. I totally lost track of what day it was. Again so sorry about that! Love you all! XOXO!

~jnicoleb1234 out!

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