Big Foot

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We were given mythical creatures or ones that are talked about but can't be proven or disproven.  We picked them out of a jar so that we couldn't see what we were picking.  I choose Big Foot and the Chupacabra.  With these creatures, we have to make a modern story or give it a modern twist.

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The elusive Big Foot was a creature that was seen by nobody but known by everyone.  People around the world flocked to famous forests trying to find him for themselves.  What the people didn't realize was that he walked among them.

His name was Harry; he was an incredibly shy man that liked to keep to himself.  Unfortunately for him, he was incredibly hairy and resembled the shape of an ape causing doctors and scientists alike to take an interest in him.  They performed many tests and experiments on him one of which was to leave him alone in the woods to see how other animals would react to him.

That's when it happened; someone took a video of him dubbing him Big Foot.  Harry had been naked at the time roaming the woods which made him appear hairy than he normally was.  He was extremely mortified when he saw a video of him naked online.  It was then he tried to shave off all his fur to no avail.  He decided to stay home and never go back out into the real world. . .  Nobody saw Big Foot again.

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