"Jisoo unnie," I started with a smile, cutting my best friend's rant

"What." She replied annoyed but when she saw Jennie passing by with the same smile I was wearing, her demeanor changed.

"Holy shit, Lisa you told her?" The short girl quickly held my arms with widened eyes, as if she couldn't believe such a thing.

"Even better, unnie! I asked her to marry me!" I excitedly showed her the contract and Jisoo unnie slapped my arms.

"Lisa, holy shit! How did you-"

"I honestly don't know" I cut her off once more with a stupid grin.

"So does this mean you guys are...dating?" Jisoo unnie asked me with quite some hesitation, like she was scared.


"No, I don't think so," I laugh sadly and heard the shorter girl heave a sigh; a relieved one.

"Okay, let's go join them for dinner," The older one replied and led me to the hall, where we have our dinner.


It was our fifth night at camp, our last night. We all huddled for one last big campfire.

Jennie unnie stayed with us but didn't really interact with me much since Julian was beside us.

Stupid ass head.

We sang some songs and made each other laugh all night. Mrs. Park and Mr. Jung shared some words as a "closing" for our camp. Some teared up, since this was a really emotional night for them.

"Nini!" I whisper yelled to the girl beside me. She tensed up and continued to talk to the new boy.

That's quite odd. I'm pretty sure she heard me.

"Ni?" I tried calling her again but the raven-haired girl just continued to ignore me.

"I hope after this, we will still be close and nice to each other. Some may still be staying with us and some may be transferring, but we hope to never be forgotten." Mrs. Park ended her speech with a tear rolling down her face.

Then it hit me; this was our last trip before graduation next month.

Everyone around me was standing up and dusting themselves, heading back to their own tents.

I looked beside me to see my Nini gone.

I sigh and stood up, heading to the washroom.


After getting all fixed up and ready for bed, I walked back to my tent until I felt a hand grab me by the wrist.

"Yah, what the fu-"

"Lisa, shut up and follow me. We need to talk." The voice was very familiar and gave comfort to me.

I smiled and followed the voice with no hesitation but still felt worried.

What does she wanna talk about?


After finding a secluded place for us to talk, she let go of my wrists and hugged me.

"Lili, I'm sorry I've been ignoring you for the past few days." She started crying and I held her closer to me.

"Hey, Nini, it's fine, I swear. At least you're here now, with me. That's what matters most now, right?" I comforted the dark-haired girl but it only seemed to make her cry even harder.

"Lili, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything that I did. I'm really sorry, Lili. You're always there for me and all I am to you is a complete asshole! Lili, I'm sorry!" I've never seen my Nini so broken and vulnerable.

I hugged her tighter and kissed her forehead. "Nini, you're not an asshole. Stop apologizing, please? And, of course I'll always be here for you. I'm your best friend! Ni, I love you." I connected my forehead to Jennie's and closed my eyes.

It wasn't long until I felt her cup my cheeks and the world around us stop when she smashed our lips together.

"Nini, wha-" I got cut off by the older girl deepening the kiss.

"Shut the fuck up and kiss me."

With no hesitation, I kissed her back.




anyways, enjoy this fluffy chap. you won't be getting much of these anymore *evil laugh*

but i'll try to update more frequently and break your hearts faster, just kidding.

i'm not kidding. i will break y'alls hearts.

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