T: The most difficult chapter for me was the epilogue in Lennon's p.o.v. I was so excited to be able to mark the book complete but I wanted the chapter to be the best it could be. I felt the pressure and was afraid you guys wouldn't like the ending.


Q: What are your upcoming works?

A: I've been working on a new story called In Our Veins, it is a semi biographical story and I'm very excited for people to read it!

T: The only upcoming work I have at the moment is the spin off. But I'm looking at exploring other genres.


Q: Will Lennon and Rowan have kids?

T: You'll have to read the spin off to find out. ;)


Q: How did you come up with the names?

B: Allie would go through and come up with a list of names and then we picked the ones we liked best.


Q: How did you decide to co-write together?

B: Tiffany had posted in the co-writing forum looking for a co writer and Allie responded. (Fun fact we actually was going to co write before but didn't have the time)


Q: Which character is your favorite?

A: Maybe I'm a little bias, but my favorite character is Rowan. I have always wanted someone like him in my life, to be there and support me. He's so kind and loving and he would stand up for anyone in need. That is what I truly love about him.

T: I love Rowan's mom Jenny. She's so nice and caring to Lennon that she's easily a good role model for her. I have a lot of respect for her as a character. She was assaulted when she was younger and then later on lost the love of her life but she's still able to smile and get through the day raising her children to be respectful men.


Q: Which character do you relate most to?

A: I think I relate most to Lennon. While I haven't had her experiences I have similar feelings. I have struggled with my self confidence and self worth, but I always keep fighting, trying to better my life. I think I will always have days where it is hard, where I feel anxious or depressed and I think Lennon will too.

T: I relate to Lennon a lot with the feelings of depression/anxiety. There's some days that I just get overwhelmed with it all. But she never gave up and kept fighting for a better future.


Q: There are many girls who have a similar experience to Lennon. If they are reading right now, what would you tell them?

A: I would tell someone who has had a similar experience to Lennon: "It will get better and you are not alone. You are strong and you are loved." It sounds cliche but I think once someone comes to realize these things they can conquer anything.

T: Your not alone. As silly as that may seem I feel like the most overwhelming feeling people in this situation feel is loneliness. They feel like they have no one to turn to. There's always someone you can tell and never give up hope. You'll get through it and you'll become a better person because of it. You'll be able to help others understand your own personal battle.


Q: How do you make sure to stay consistent with information throughout the story?

B: We at first didn't really do much, but towards the middle we had to make a list of all the ages of the characters. Raven and Lachlan was hardest tremember. We suggest making character list or character profiles to keep track of ages, hair color, and eye color. Those are some of the main things we think people including us forget as we write.


Q: How is co writing different than writing on your own? (What's the pros & cons)

A: I think co writing is very different than writing on your own. It's a great way to write, because you have someone to talk your ideas out with. It's definitely true that two heads are better than one. If you find the right person who is dedicated and open to your ideas, the story turns out amazing. It is hard to find the right person though and that is one of the downfalls of cowriting.

T: You get to bounce ideas off of each other which is great way to overcome writer's block. I suggest always finding a writing buddy to help bounce ideas around even if your not cowriting. A con is you never know the kind of person you will get. Trust me cowriting is a hit and miss thing. You need someone who you can work well with and communicate easily with. If you can't communicate with them then you'll have one person taking over the project or abandoning the project all together.


Q: If you could start all over and write the story again, what would you change?

A: I agree with Tiffany, I think them being friends in the past doesn't line up well with the way the story ended up turning out. When we started it was a good way for them to connect, but they ended up connecting on such a deeper level.

T: I would probably change them being friends in the past. Looking back at the way we wrote it, nothing seems to fit in that idea. I would change that and make it flow better with the rest of the book.


Q: Why did you chose to write about a girl who was raped?

B: We both were tired of the same cliche story that was being retold by every wattpader in the hotlist. We wanted something that had meaning behind it a not so hidden message.


Q: What is your best tip for writing on Wattpad?

A: I think the best thing to do on Wattpad is have a good schedule that you post on, so that readers know and they feel involved. It also helps to communicate with the readers and share your story on the appropriate thread.

T: My go to is write a certain amount of chapters before posting the book. It helps you update every week. If you really can wait until the book is finished before updating so you can update daily. That will help you get more readers and give them some confidence that the book will be completed on wattpad because you already have it finished. I also suggest reply to comments. Allie and I try our best to reply to all comments and engage with the readers. This helped a lot to get them loyal readers that help motivate you to write.


Q: Did you do any research before writing? Or as you went along?

A: I definitely did some research before writing, I wanted to make sure it was accurate and respectfully writing. There was also some research done as we went along, concerning the accuracy to the laws in certain states.

T: I googled a lot as I went along writing. If there wasn't something I was for sure about and neither was Allie we googled it.


Q: How do you find motivation to write?

A: Tiffany motivated me to write as well as the readers. I wanted to write something that she and you would be proud of.

T: My biggest motivation is my readers. When people comment please update I get really happy and motivated. Of course I mean the please update comments and not the you need to update or I'll kill you comments or god its been forever since you updated.

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