"Or what?"

"I don't know, I'll fight you?" Yoongi shrugged while slowly cracking his neck from side to side. The thief snickered out loud before moving a hand to his mouth, blowing out a loud whistle. The sudden sound caught Yoongi off guard until he had noticed multiple other men emerging from the shadows, now moving in closer as they began to circle him. He carefully observed each person and noticed that this wasn't just an ordinary thief, but instead, a gang. The man walked closer to Yoongi, lifting up his arm and throwing a surprise punch right onto Yoongi's lip. 

"You and what army." 

"What do you mean the files got stolen?!" You let out a slight wince of pain by Krystal's loud screech into your earpiece. You continued jogging, focusing on trying to remember which direction they headed in.

"They were still in my bag when the thief snatched it from me. Look, my phone is still in my bag so can you track it from there?" you begged, listening to Krystal let out a small groan as she began typing into her computer.

"Alright, one more block then I'm going to need you to turn right."

"Got it," you breathed out, now sprinting faster to hurry up to the intersection before turning right. Upon entering the alleyway, you slowed yourself to a jogging pace as you continued down the alleyway to see Yoongi standing there, circled by other men.

"Yoongi!" you called out to him, grabbing his attention as he turned around to face you with a mixed expression of shock and confusion.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He nervously drew his lower lip between his teeth as he hurried over to try and reach you. However, he was blocked off by one of the guys as they looked down at him with a smirk.

"You're going to have to get through us first," the man barked in a threatening tone. Letting out a small scoff, Yoongi quickly grabbed onto the man's arm and pulled him forward towards him before landing a punch right to his face, knocking the guy out. With a clear path to your direction, he took this opportunity to run past the group of guys and hurried over to where you were standing. 

"Stay behind me ok?" Yoongi ordered, now moving over as he protectively stood in front of you while the gang began to approach closer.

"Be careful Yoongi," you warned, carefully observing the gang growing angrier. Yoongi gave you a firm nod before quickly turning around to face one of the guys who was now charging towards him. He easily ducked low to avoid the attack before locking the man's legs together and roughly pushing him to the ground. You continued to watch Yoongi in awe, noting to yourself at how fast and agile Yoongi was.

"You're mine!" You turned around in the direction of the voice, now seeing one of the men charging towards you with his arms out. You really didn't want to have to fight, but you prepared yourself as you bent your knees into a fighting stance. As soon as the man approached you, you quickly dropped to the ground and rolled through his legs before giving him a low kick in the back. The man let out a loud groan of pain before falling to the ground, closing his eyes as he became unconscious. Hearing the man letting out a loud groan, Yoongi turned around and gave you a surprised smile with raised eyebrows.

"Yoongi duck!" you shouted, warning him about an incoming attack. Listening to your command, he quickly ducked, barely managing to escape the surprise punch as he turned around and returned a hard punch to the man, knocking him out cold. You gave Yoongi a proud smile, thinking that he had taken out the last guy. You hurried over to go to his side, not noticing another man approaching you from behind.

"Y/N look out!" Yoongi yelled out to you, his eyes widening in fear as he watched the man come closer towards you. However, it was already too late as you turned around to see the man gripping you tightly from behind, a knife now placed against your throat. You tried your hardest to escape his tight grip, quickly moving your arms behind you to strike at him. Unfortunately, the man was much larger than you to feel any impact of your attacks. Scanning his eyes around the area, Yoongi quickly grabbed a gun off of the ground as he turned around in horror to see you with a knife placed against your throat.

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