"Hello sweetie, I'm so glad that you came into my boys life, he's been so much happier." His father said kissing my hand.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you all, you're just like I pictured you to be, very kind and sweet" I said smiling while leaning onto Parker.

"Leah your parents must be so very proud of you! Are they here now?" His mother asked looking around.

My parents are a sore subject, but I guess there's no getting around it. I think this is one of the reasons I've been excited to meet his parents.

"Um, no.. my parents died in a car crash a few years ago" I said sadly looking down.

"Oh dear I'm so sorry, I'm so silly for bringing that up, I've just ruined your mood now" she said looking guilty.

"Oh no Faye, you didn't ruin my mood, I just don't like talking about them, it's a tough subject. But I'm all good, let's go find out the gender of my baby now!" I said all giddy looking at Parker.

"Hey! Parker, Leah! Front and center let's get the reveal started!" Corina exclaimed as Parker and I walked forward.

In front of us were two balloons, one for him and one for me.

"Alright when I say go, you both are gonna pop your balloons! Okay!?"

We both nodded and grabbed a balloon and knives.

He looked at me and smiled "Ready baby?"

"Oh yeah"

We kissed before going to our spots and holding our pins.

"Okay! THREE! TWO! ONE! GO!"

* pop pop *

When we popped our balloons pink confetti came out.


Parker and I ran into each other's arms and he swung me around. After he put me down he kissed me sweetly.

He looks so happy, we both got what we wanted, we're having a baby girl!

"I'm so damn happy! I'm getting my princess!" He said to me smiling so wide.

"I can't believe it's a girl babe! A girl!" I exclaimed jumping up and down.

Parker looked right in my eyes and said "I love you so damn much pretty girl!"

I was speechless. Sure when Trevor said he loved me for the first time I was happy, but when I think back on it. I feel like our whole relationship was just a heat of the moment kind of deal.

Like in the moment I thought we were in love.. but I think I was just happy a guy was giving me attention that I overlooked every sign pointing to me that we weren't meant to be.

But right here and now I knew.. Parker was it for me. I knew this love was what you see in movies, what you read about in books.

I was so deeply in love with this man, and I knew I wanted him forever.

"I love you too Parker Jones" I said smiling like a goof. He pulled me in for a passionate kiss.

Boy do I love this man.

Corina and my brother came over and hugged us both. Then came Parker's family.

"I'm so excited to have a niece!" Mia exclaimed in my ear.

I just chuckled and hugged her.


The party went on for another couple hours but it's finally over. Parker and I stayed to help clean up.

"Thank you so much for this Corina, are you doing a reveal or are you just gonna have them tell you?" I asked her while getting my purse.

"Well, I already know, I found out today before the party" she smiled.

"Come on then, spit it out!"

"Justin and I are having.. a boy!" She said throwing her hands up.

"Yes! I'm so happy for you! Our babies are gonna be best friends!" I said and we both giggled.

We said our goodbyes and Parker and I drove home. As soon as we got there we both went straight to our room and crashed.

I'm so excited for this next chapter in our life. I can't wait to hold my baby girl here in a few months.


Sorry for a short chapter!

Thanks for reading!

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