Chapter 49- Progress

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The next morning, I was in good shape despite drinking the night before. Or, at least, relatively good shape. I still had a bit of a headache, but other than that, I was pretty okay. Emotionally, however, I wasn't feeling too great. Any poor, unfortunate soul who dared to cross me was gonna end up with a knife in their kidney.

I tried to mitigate my problem by sleeping in until noon, but eventually, I had to get something to eat, even though I was slightly concerned that I'd eventually throw it right back up.

As I walked downstairs, Blaine was asleep on the couch, and Viktor and Caroline were sitting in the kitchen, whispering about something.

That was nice of them. Blaine was probably much more miserable than I was, and he needed to sleep it all off.

I wanted to thank Caroline for not wrecking my car when she took it to the store, but when I got closer, I realized their hushed voices were hissing rather than having a friendly conversation. I retreated to the stairs, not wanting to interrupt this lovely drama, but at the same time, I wanted to know what the deal was.

I couldn't see them, so I couldn't read their facial expressions, but that meant that they couldn't see me, or I hoped.

Viktor and Caroline certainly had a history, and while Viktor typically avoided conflict like the plague, he had proven that I was something worth fighting for when he broke things off with her.

And I hoped to God that wasn't the problem there.

Someone's phone vibrated, and Blaine stirred on the couch. The two of them fell silent until he sat up.

"What day is it?" Blaine asked.

"Monday," Caroline replied.

"What time is it?"

"It's almost one."

"I hate myself so much," Blaine said, then plopped his head back down on the couch. "Fuck, that hurt my brain."

"You need to hydrate. That's why you feel like shit."

"Whatever." Blaine pulled his arms up around his face to shield himself from the light. "I just want to watch Pokemon. Is it on Netflix?"

"Uh," Caroline said.

"I mean, I still use Amanda's Netflix. She never changed the password. Bless her soul."

"Are you the idiot who keeps watching The Magic School Bus?" I asked, then covered my mouth when I remembered I was supposed to be spying.

"Don't yell at me right now. I have a headache," Blaine replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Get your shit together. Hangovers are for the weak."

"Didn't you just wake up?" Caroline asked.

"I mean, sure, but I've had a miraculous recovery. I'm all good now," I said.

The light was only kind of hurting my head. I was in okay shape.

"That's another good show," Blaine said.

"What is?"

"Miraculous. I kinda have a crush on Marinette," Blaine said.

"Stop watching children's programming on my Netflix. You're not five."

"She's kinda cute."

"She's a bunch of pixels."

"But she's a ladybug superhero who—"

"She's not real."

Blaine crossed his arms over his eyes. "Fuck you."

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