Chapter 11- Basic Capitalism

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Once Viktor came to see me (an hour and a half later than he said he would), I told him we were going on a field trip.

"To where?" he asked.

"Home. Matt's dying of the flu or something, the triplets have a project due on Monday, and I'm sure that entire house is trashed. All I ask is that you just get Matt whatever he needs," I said.

"Aren't you more qualified to help the sick person?" he asked.

"Yes, I am. And I'm also more qualified to help the triplets with their famous American projects, as an American myself."

He laughed. "I took a year of American history. I know some stuff."

"Who won the Civil War?"

He thought for a minute. "The Americans."

He was actually more correct than he thought, probably.

I smiled. "Good enough."

"And anyway, I can't afford to get sick. Our first game is in a week, and I need to be ready, or you'll kill me."

"If you get sick, I'll take care of you."

He nodded. "Okay."

Just over an hour later, we were back in Bloomington with a few pizzas, mostly to keep the triplets from starving to death. They had been living off of cereal, apparently, for a few days, and while we probably should have gotten something more nutritious, I was lazy.

Maybe it was a good thing I wasn't in charge of the household. Matt's focus was always much quieter than mine, and he knew more than he let other people know.

I had a higher IQ, though, so that made me the smarter one.

I set the pizzas down on the kitchen table, which was cleaner than I was expecting. Sure, there were a few spills, but the dishes were done at least.

I then went up to Matt's room, leaving the triplets and Viktor, and I prayed that he wouldn't cough while I was in there.

He was asleep when I walked in, but before I could take three steps in his room, he rose his head and looked at me. It was dark, but his face pale face glowed.

"Good morning," he said.

"I hate to break it to you, but it's eight in the evening," I said.

He shut his eyes and laid his head back down. "What the fuck?"

"How are you feeling? The triplets told me that you're dying."

"I'm not dying. I just didn't realize how this place would go to shit if I got sick. What are you doing here?"

I smiled. "I'm taking the triplets back to my dorm, so we can finish their projects. Viktor's gonna stay here with you."

"But don't you have class tomorrow?" he asked.

"It's Friday."

"What the fuck?"

I laughed. "Same."

"I'm so sorry. I thought it was Tuesday, and now I'm fucking shook."

"It's not a big deal. I'll help them do their projects, no problem." I looked around the room. Of course, he was gone during the last school year, but he had reestablished his presence in his room. It was a mess. "How's everything here?"

"I have never been more tired in my life. It's just this constant cycle of getting things fixed, doing every chore imaginable, and almost crying. But it's whatever."

The Score (Sequel to The Exchange)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें