Chapter 4- Goals

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As I packed the last of my clothes into the suitcase, I mentally chastised myself for not getting it done earlier. Viktor and I were to leave in an hour and a half, and I still had several people I had to say goodbye to. In fact, I hadn't really said goodbye to anyone at that point.

I had a short list of people who were worth one, and it was made up of the people invited to my graduation party: my family, Arti, and Blaine.

Mom told me I was being ridiculous with my guest list. She told me about how she had a grand party and a pretty dress, with people coming and going all throughout the day. I considered myself to be ambiverted, but parties were never something I enjoyed. People congratulating me for something that really wasn't even an achievement was far from my idea of fun, especially people who just showed up for the cake or some shit.

It was my own fault for being a difficult person to get along with, but that was me, and if anyone didn't like the way I spoke, it sure as hell wasn't my problem.

Even so, I wished I gave her the chance to throw me one of those stupid big parties, just for her sake.

I folded one more pair of socks and searched for a small crevice I could stuff them in. The suitcase filled up rather quickly, and I took a step back with my hand pressed to my chin. I didn't want to rearrange the entire thing, but I wasn't sure that I'd even be able to zip it closed if I couldn't find a place for one pair of socks.

I heard a creaking coming up the stairs, and since I left my bedroom door slightly open, I peeked into the hall when a figure appeared.

"Hey nerd," I said.

"Shit, you weren't supposed to look out here. I was trying to scare you," Blaine replied with a laugh. "Just pretend you didn't see me, okay?"

"That's not going to work. I know you're there, so you can't scare me."

He nudged the door even more open. "What are you up to? Still packing?"

"Just finishing up. This is the last of my stuff that I'm taking, except for some sentimental shit."

He laughed. "You look like you're struggling."

"Nope. I'm doing just fine."

"Do you want my help? I'm a little better with spatial awareness than you are."

I smiled. "Says the boy who's been in, like, three car accidents in the past year."

"I never said my decision making was all that great. Here." He took the pair of socks from my hands. "Wow, this is some fucked up shit right here. If you fold everything more vertically, you can get more stuff in there."

I watched him rearrange my clothes. I didn't stop him, but I said, "Don't touch my stuff."

"It's so much more efficient, and I know that's your kink."

I laughed. "I like getting shit done in a timely and compact manner."

"Unless you're pissed about something. Then everything has to be drawn out for the drama."

"You're more than welcome to just finish rearranging this and leave."

He smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist, placing a kiss on the side of my eyebrow. "You know damn well I'd never do that."

"You're about to. You have places to be, as do I."

The smile fell off his face. "Well shit."

I took a deep breath. "So what are you thinking? You know, with us?"

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