Chapter 36- Masterpiece of Genetics

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I had three projects for my return to Winterview University, home of the Wildcats and cheating hockey team: figure out what the fuck was up with Caroline, try to repair whatever little respect Dr. Mann and I had for each other, and meet those twins that were fucking my entire life up.

Plus, the usual other projects, including, but not limited to, pass my classes, work at Cool Beans Coffee, try to maintain a healthy social life, and not die.

First on my list, besides not dying, was Dr. Mann.

I had his office schedule from last semester memorized, but I didn't know where he would be this semester. I didn't think his schedule would be much different, but I was also really good at being wrong.

His office door was closed, but the light was on inside, so I knocked on the door and prayed he'd give me a chance to explain myself. Of course, there wasn't much to explain: Yeah, I know it seems like I'm a complete liar, but I swear I'm not. Somehow, someone else got on my Twitter account and posted that video. Oh, and I think you're a bitch too. Bye.

"Yes?" he answered.

I took in a breath. "I'm sure you don't really want to talk to me, but I'd like to explain what happened on Christmas if you don't mind."

I heard him stir on the other side of the door, then he opened it to reveal a disgruntled face.

"I really don't want to listen to what you have to say. There's nothing courageous about you. You're just another one of those entitled kids who doesn't care about the consequences to their actions. I was right all along."

"Look," I began, but he interrupted me.

"I'm going to lose everything because of you. Life isn't cheap, Amanda, but people like you are willing to cheat the system and—"

"Shut up."

He looked at me. "Excuse me?"

"If you can call me an entitled bitch, then I can tell you to shut up. Now, let's get one thing straight. None of this is because of me. It's all because of you. You were the one who decided it was acceptable to talk shit about me when I wasn't there, and I'm sorry that this happened, but I didn't do it. The person who took the video posted it."

He rolled his eyes. "Ah, yes, of course. You're not responsible for this."

"I'm working to fix it right now. I'm not happy with her, and she's going to get an earful from me once I'm done talking to you."

"So it's a female student?"

"Yeah, sure."

He thought for a moment. "It's Caroline Sullivan, isn't it?"

"I'm not really sure how you made that leap, but no, it's not."

The lie flew from my lips just a little too easily, and I mentally cringed at myself for covering up her tracks for her. I wasn't happy with her since she was painting me to be the bad guy, and there I was, just going right along with it.

"That's a lie. It was her." Dr. Mann's voice raised in triumph. "It was her."

"No, it wasn't," I spat, since I didn't have a better argument to make.

I should have talked to Caroline first. What the fuck was I thinking?

"Your face gave it all away," he said.

"Oh, so now you're an expert in psychology too, huh?"

"Just like the natural sciences, the social sciences are all tied together. Without understanding all of them, you'll never understand one of them."

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