Chapter 27- A Christmas-Free Zone

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Finals were over.

I lived.

Viktor survived as well, but to a lesser extent. He wasn't much of a test-taker, but as long as he maintained a 2.0 GPA to remain eligible for sports, I didn't give a single shit.

And with the conclusion of the semester, Viktor and I finally got to go back home.

Of course, Viktor wouldn't stay the entire time. He had a game a week before Christmas, then he wanted to go back to Sweden for the holidays.

I couldn't blame him.

Arti was to fly into Minnesota the next day, and Blaine the day after. Arti was my priority, since she wasn't wanted back home, so Dad (but mostly Matt) had agreed to let her stay with me. I wasn't sure who needed it more, Arti or me, but even though we were "technically" adults, it didn't make sleepovers any less fun.

Matt always liked to pretend that he hated Arti, but we all knew that wasn't true. He had a soft spot for her just like everyone else did.

Viktor and I got into the car to head home, and I turned on the radio.

"Twelve to sixteen inches of snow expected in the St. Paul area on Monday evening through Wednesday morning..."

I rolled my eyes, then plugged the aux cord in.

"Shouldn't you be listening to that? It sounds like a storm's gonna hit," Viktor said.

I shook my head. "The predictions are always wrong this early. And besides, it's not like we've never survived worse here. It's not exactly an uncommon occurrence."

"Okay, I guess you know better than I do," Viktor said.

I smiled. "As long as you remember that, you'll be good."

He smiled back at me.

Despite our impending doom, for the first time in a while, I felt okay.

Better than okay.


Yeah, good.

Everything (or at least almost everything) was going to go back to the way it used to be. I would have my best friend constantly picking on my boyfriend, Matt and Viktor would be reunited and their friendship would give the world something to envy, and the triplets would get themselves into something like they always did.

Just like normal.


"Viktor!" Natalie cried and ran up to him before she even acknowledged my presence.

She had her priorities, and her stupid crush on Viktor was pretty fucking high on that list.

Melissa and Leah, the two loyal ones, ran to my side and both gave me a hug.

"Hey guys," I said. "I've missed you so much."

I didn't really have much to say, even though I typically had plenty of words for any occasion. Their sister wasn't there for them when they needed her the most. There wasn't a damn thing I could say that could fix that.

"Amanda, Amanda, Amanda, Amanda, guess what?" Leah asked, not releasing me from her hug.

I smiled. "What?"

"Do you remember your room?" she asked.

"Why wouldn't I remember my room? I lived in there for eighteen years," I replied.

"It's different now! We turned it into a clubhouse!"

What. The. Fuck.

"You did what?" I asked, and I certainly didn't want to hear her say it again.

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