By the time we got there, the campfire was almost set. More of our classmates arrived and we all took our seats, making sure we weren't too near and too far from the fire.

"Excuse me for a second, guys" Jennie said while standing up, making Chu, Rosie and I to look at her.

I saw her make her way to the other side of the campfire, giving a hug to one of the students there but I couldn't tell who because the fire was getting in the way. She sat there with them and by the time I was gonna check it out, the teachers arrived and asked us to stay put.

"Let her be, Li. Let's enjoy our first night, at least, okay?" Jisoo smiled and nudged my shoulder, making me smile too.

"Okay," I giggle


We were now heading back to our tents after eating our dinner and the first campfire.

"Hey, Soo?" Jennie called out, making the oldest hum. "Sorry for calling you a bitch earlier, it just happened, I guess. I'm really sorry" Jennie scratched her head, feeling guilty.

"It's fine, I know you didn't mean it. Please just, don't let it happen again." Jisoo smiled at the younger girl.

This is why I love my group of friends. They're mature.

I couldn't sleep. I look beside me to see Jennie, Jisoo and Rosie all sleeping soundly. I look at my watch to see it was 2:04AM. I sigh and made my way outside the tent.

I sat on the sand, near the water, and just looked up at the moon.

"Hey, moon." I started

"Aside from Jisoo and Rosie, who are already enjoying snoring, you're the only one I can talk to about my situation with Jennie." I started

"For the past few months, she's been...different. Ever since that Durian kid or whatever his name is came into our lives, Jennie's been hanging out less with us and it's really bothering me. I'm scared that she'll leave us. What should I do, moon? Give me a sign, or anything. I don't wanna lose her" I look down and hugged my knees.

"Hey," a voice called, making me look up quickly.

"Hey," I return the greeting. The girl sat next to me and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Lili, I'm sorry for what happened in the bus. I ditched you for Julian and I was abou-" "Please don't talk about him. It's fine, I just wanna enjoy the night sky." I cut her off, not wanting to be stressed at..

2:30 AM. I sighed, I can't believe I was out this long already

"What are you doing up?" She asked me

"I could ask you the same thing" I look at her

"I saw you leave the tent." Jennie answered simply.

I got nervous. Did she hear my conversation with the moon?

"How long were you stalking me, Kim?" I asked her playfully, but I had to know how much she heard and if she really heard me.

"I was gonna follow you as soon as you left the tent but you looked like you wanted to be alone. I got worried when you didn't come back after 10 minutes so I went out. I saw you here, with you hugging your knees. Here we are now" The brunette answered with gentleness in her voice.

Good. She didn't hear anything.

"Hey, Nini?"
"How do you know if you like someone?"

I asked, making the brunette lift her head and look at me.

"I'm not sure. But, for me? I shows through the little things. If their smile makes the butterflies in your tummy flutter like hell, or if their laugh makes you wanna kiss them right on the spot. Whenever you hear their name, you can get either all giddy or sad, I don't know. Things like this are kinda complicated for me." Jennie spoke, I adored her with each word.

"Why, do you like anyone, Lili?"
"Based on your answer, I guess I do. I like someone, Nini."

Jennie smiled at me and rested her head on my shoulder again.

"I hope that person likes you back"
"I hope so too, Jen. I hope so too."

HIIIIIII thank you for the 1K reads! yaaaay!

i figured i wanna be nice for this chapter so i wrote fluffy fluff fluff for y'all.

enjoy the fluffy shit while it lasts. *evil laugh*

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