"You should have more respect for people, Alice!" Ivy called out.

Jett's breathing rapidly slowed down. "They've heard us, I bet you. Come on, we better head on in."

"That's like a death sentence, mate. Nah, just...let's just narrowly avoid it, you know." Flynn appeared beside Jett in almost an instant, leaving Jett confused. Alice had completely disappeared.

"We can't go back, not now. You've infuriated her, too, Ivy. I mean, all of us have. Well done. No wonder most of the human population has just gone poof."

"The main reason most of the human population had gone poof is because of the apocalypse." Rose stepped out of the car with Lily-Rose beside her.

"I guess so." Ivy flicked her wrist as she passed by Jett without a care. "She's such a...ugh. I don't understand how she can treat people that way!" Ivy looked down at the ground in sadness. "Right now, this instant...you don't understand how much I wish Slate was here right now."

"Hehehe, he'd make her shut-up big time." Flynn started to climb the gate. "I know around here, so you should all just follow me instead. Or take a brochure. Either will work."

"I'll take the brochure." Rose murmured. Ivy started to climb the gate after Flynn.

"Hey, Jett, you coming?" Rose asked. Jett detached his gaze from the ground and looked up at Rose. He nodded slowly in reply.

"Well, okay then. Get a move on."

Jett took another struggled, shallow breath before taking after Rose, who held Lily's small hand in her own. When she realized Lily couldn't exactly climb the gate, she asked Flynn if he could open the gate. He did so, and they powered through.

Flynn dusted off his simple brown pants. "You know, when I first saw Slate's dead body, I saw something in my peripheral vision too. Something whizzed past me, a black silhouette. At the time I didn't take note of it, but now it just seems plain creepy."

Flynn turned around to face the others. "Nobody else was there, were they?"

Ivy shook her head and Rose and Jett didn't say anything. Flynn shrugged. "Well then. It couldn't have been a flesh-eater."

"Another person?" Ivy asked.

"Another person...." Flynn repeated. "that could be a possibility. But who cares anyway, it didn't attack me or do any damage." Flynn paused for a moment, pondering over something.

"What is it?" Ivy asked him. Flynn eyed her.

"Attack me or do any damage." He repeated. "It didn't attack me, but...what if it attacked Slate?"

Ivy snorted. "Slate would be able to defend himself, easy."

"There was an explosion. A hand grenade maybe? That had to be a person! It just had to, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense. Slate would never commit suicide, and he certainly didn't have a bomb on him."

"Well, it seems that's easy to figure out."

"Uhh, well, Rose and I will just go to...I forgot and you two will go to the toilets or something." Jett gestured at Flynn and Ivy.

"Correction, rides. You're going to the food court." Ivy smiled.

"Yay, fun. If something goes wrong, then escape, don't worry about the rest of us."

"Jett, you've forgotten the main reason as to why we're here. This is war, we're taking over right now." Flynn reloaded a gun and smirked.

"I'm not good with guns, but who cares, you still don't wanna mess with me. Let's go, good luck to y'all. Let's win this."

• • •

Alice trudged along, playing with her AK-47. She sighed.

"So boring, so useless. They should have given me a better gun, these things are just...lame, I guess." She kicked the dirt and scanned her surroundings. Buildings were everywhere.

"There's no way I'm going to the rides or food court. I'm not going to come face to face with them again. Where...I'll just go to the children's area or whatever, with face painting and all. Maybe someone else will be there." Sadness hit her with a pang. Alice took a deep breath and her eyes danced about.

"Where the hell is the-

Something suddenly pounced on her and she went down with a scream. She heard someone whisper gently into her ear.

"So, you're with that little group ehh? A lot of you have gone missing, how sad! Now, you guys argued out there. A lot of conflict, is there?" Kat snickered, breathing down her neck.

Alice struggled to get back up onto her feet. Kat was strong, despite the fact she had a small frame.

"Well, I have a brilliant offer for you today. How about you call it quits on that group and join our own. I'm pretty sure Flynn mentioned quite a bit about us, did he not?"

"N-n-no...he didn't say anything."

"Oh, really? Well then, I guess I'm gonna have to tell you-

"No, it's fine, because I'm joining you."

• • •

"Alright, let's go." Flynn waved and with his free hand took Ivy's own. She smiled. "See you."

"Bye." Jett said casually. They went their separate ways.


"Here we are, the food court."

"It's awfully quiet here, Flynn. I don't like it. I think they've already sensed our presence." Ivy shuffled closer to Flynn, fear shining bright in her forest-green eyes.

"It'll be fine, just stay close to me, OK?" Ivy nodded her head in reply.

"OK then. Through this way, let's go." Flynn and Ivy picked up the pace. The only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of their feet brushing against gravel. A bird cried out, startling Ivy. She clung to Flynn. He sighed.

"Don't be afraid, Ivy. It was just a bird, nothing-" Flynn cut himself off as a man flickered in and out of focus. He cursed and tugged Ivy behind a table.

"Flynn, w-what is it?"

Flynn raised a finger to his lips. We're not in a blind spot, if they decide to check the surveillance cams, then we're stuffed. Flynn thought to himself. He could hear the man shuffle closer. He mentally cursed when he heard his ruff voice.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are! I know you're here! Mmm, slices of fresh meat."

"What the-

Flynn jammed his fingers into Ivy's mouth.

"Damn it," Flynn bit his lip. "I always hated this guy, he's a little...insane."

"You can't hide from me! Lemme just whip out my tablet and take a look at the cameras..." The man snickered. "Ahh, here we are, I've found some fresh meat in Camera 13."

Flynn dared a peek from behind the table and the man's gaze latched onto his own. A dark smile spread across his thin lips.

"I've found you."

A/N: hi.


~(^o^)~ <somebody tell me what he's doing.

Hey I've forgotten what's happened in this chapter.

*reads last sentence* nevermind. SO MANY CLIFFHANGERS WOO HOO!

Until the next heheheh chapter,



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