14) Chronicle I

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Chapter 14 --- Land of the Dead

Chronicle I

Footsteps could be heard from downstairs. Jett suspected that it was his mother; but when she burst into his room he realized it wasn't her. It was an intruder.

His mother closed the door silently and pressed a finger to her lips. Her wavy hair reached her shoulders and her fringe had been clipped back on top of her head. It had been dyed a very light oak-brown, yet grey still ran through her hair. She had the kindest and softest sky-blue eyes which radiated warmth and love. Her face had sunken with age; showing that her life had been filled with happiness and joy.

But today all her kind features were missing. Her eyes reflected fear and anxiety, and the loving and tender smile that was always plastered on her face had disappeared. It had been replaced by trembling lips as she tried her best to speak.

"Jett, dear...did you invite a-anyone over today?" She tried her best to cloak the fear in her voice, but it shone through.

"No." He looked over at the door. "Maybe it's..." He trailed off, as did his mothers gaze. It slung off his face to the ground.

"Ali wouldn't have arrived home y-yet, dear."


The footsteps grew louder. The mysterious person snarled.

"I-I'm going to go down there and face them."

"What!" Jett snapped. "No! Don't do that mum! Let's just wait here!"

"They'll be searching the house, it'd be no good...dear, just let me-

"No! I'll call 911!"


"Mum!" Silence filled the room. The floorboards creaked from below again, and something fell to the ground with a loud bang, startling Jett and his mum.

"Please...don't go down there."

His mum narrowed her eyes at Jett. "Jett, please let me deal with this. I'll be back shortly. I'll call out for you if it's safe to go down there."

"You can't!" He hissed. "Mum! Please! Mum!"

His mum opened the door and slipped between it. "Call your sister if something goes wrong, Jett. Love you dear."

"Mum! Please! You can't!" She shut the door instantaneously.

"If you come out you will be severely punished! Now be a good boy and stay in there for mummy!"

"Mum! I'm not a young boy anymore!" Jett collapsed onto the ground, not knowing what to do. His eyes glazed over his bed. Underneath it was his sword. Should he unsheathe it or leave it under the bed?

He could hear the staircase creaking. "Hello?" His mum called out. "Is anyone there?" The stairs stopped creaking, and there was silence for a few moments as Jett rocked back and forth on the floor, his gaze still settled on the sword under his bed.

Suddenly his mum started screaming and wailing from below. In an instant Jett was on his feet. He grabbed the sword from under the bed and unsheathed it.

"MUM!" He shouted.

"JETT!" She screamed back. "STAY!"

"NO!" Jett shouted. He tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge. He cursed loudly and started banging against the door. Something fell outside of his room. He stopped when everything went silent.

"M-m-mum?" He called out. There were munching sounds from below. Their dog started barking.

"Save her." He whispered, hoping the dog could hear him. Their dog started whimpering from below.

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