Don't Do It! (Part: 1/2)

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(Original Colors) I want to try and make a Shance chapter, so.. Here ya go XD

~Lance's POV~

We just got a distress call from a planet that we've recently made allies with, so, naturally, we immediately went to help. When we arrived, I didn't really expect what happened.
The king of the planet rushed over to us in a panic, "The Paladins of Voltron! The Galra isn't attacking, but one of my people is in danger!" He yelled, pointing to a very tall roof; it was probably around 250 feet in the air. A citizen was standing on the roof's edge, about to jump. A sinking feeling filled my stomach.
I was the first to run to the building. There were stairs going up, so I ran two steps at a time. It only took a minute to make it to the top of the building, but I was breathing heavily.
As soon as I stepped onto the roof, the person who was standing on the edge turned. They had a panicked expression, but, beneath the panic, I could see how desperate, alone, lonely, worthless they felt. They had light, mint skin; short, lilac hair- they had a pixie cut: short in the back, long bangs sweeping to the left; and big, brown eyes. They were a little taller than Pidge, so, if I had to guess, I would say they're around 14 years old.
My team arrived shortly after. I was about to try to talk, but Shiro, my crush, cut me off, "Hey.. What's your name?" He asked, clearly panicked.
"W-Why would y-you care?" They retorted sharply, tears filling their eyes.
"Do you want to talk?" Pidge asked, clearly oblivious on what to do.
I shot my team a look. I can handle this. They looked at me skeptically, but they allowed me to speak.
"Hey.." I said softly, slowly walking towards them. They looked back, only to find they were on the edge.
"D-Don't come c-closer!" They yelled, singular tears falling from their eyes. Their voice was shaky.
I immediately stopped, "Sorry.." I apologized, "C-Can I ask why you're doing this?"
"You w-wouldn't understand!" They yelled, trying their best to wipe their tears.
"I may.." I said quietly, "Let's talk?"
"I don't w-want to t-talk.." They replied, their voice filled with fear, panic, and a variety of other emotions.
"Hey, that's okay.. You don't have to. I'm going to have to ask you to step towards me, just a little.." I told them softly, holding my hands out.
They looked back. Before I knew it, they stepped off the roof. I ran towards the edge, looked down, took a deep breath, and jumped. My teammates screamed loudly.
  "Lance!" Shiro yelled, his voice filled to the brim with panic.
I activated my jet pack, urging myself to go faster. It worked, so I softly, but firmly, grabbed onto the alien. Instinctively, they wrapped their arms around me tightly, buried their face into my chest, and tried to hide. I adjusted my body so that the jet pack shot us up instead of down, causing us to slow down.
The alien started to shake, sobs racking their body, "Hey, you're okay.." I told them softly as we slowly drifted towards the ground.
  "I-I'm sorry!" They yelled, clutching onto my shirt like their life depended on it- which it did.
  "So can I know your name now?" I asked, rubbing their back. We were about 50 feet away from the ground.
  "A-Ariadne.. But I g-go by A-Ari.." They responded quietly.
  "That's a wonderful name," I responded, smiling, "So, Ari.. Why did you want to do this? What drove you to the point where you wanted to end your life?" I asked softly. We were about to land on the ground, and, to be honest, I didn't want Ari to answer down there; they might be overwhelmed by all the aliens.
  Ari tightened their grip on me, "B-Before you guys s-saved us from the G-Galra, they t-took my f-family.. I don't h-have anyone, a-anymore.. They're all d-dead.." Ari responded shakily.
I was about to try and comfort them, but my feet touched the ground. Ari wrapped their legs around my waist so that they wouldn't fall. The crowd erupted in cheers, but the action made Ari shake. They probably don't like loud noises.
"Hey, it's okay; you're safe now.." I whispered. I was still rubbing circles on their back, so, eventually, they started to calm down.
"I'm sorry.." They finally whispered, "I.. I shouldn't have done t-that.."
"All that matters is that you're okay now," I responded softly.
My team exited the building. They looked around the crowd for me. Shiro spotted me, and he immediately ran towards me.
"Lance! Are you two okay?!" He asked, his voice still panicked. He was about to hug me, but stopped when he saw Ari in my arms.
  "Yeah. We're fine.." I responded, smiling softly at him. He let out a sigh of relief, running a hand through his hair.
  "I'm sorry.." Ari apologized again, still shaking.
  "You don't have to apologize, Ari. Just don't do it again, okay..? Go to someone. People care about you; I'm sure of it," I responded in the softest tone I could muster.
  They slowly got out of my arms, wiping their tears. They wouldn't look up, so I gently put a finger under their chin, making them look up. I smiled at them softly, "You okay?"
  They sniffled, "Y-Yeah.."
  The king of the planet hurried over, "Oh, thank you so much Blue Paladin!" He exclaimed, picking Ari up under the armpits, "Are you okay, dear?! Where's your family?!"
  They looked down again, "I don't have a family, Your Majesty.."
  "Oh.. Well, we'll have to fix that, won't we?" The king exclaimed.
  Ari looked up, "You can't bring people back from the dead, sir.."
  "Yes, yes I know!" The king replied, "You'll just have to stay at the Palace with my daughters, wife, and I! I'm sure they'll except you, dear! They've always wanted another sibling, after all!"
  Ari started to cry again, "R-Really?" They asked, not believing the king.
  "Yes, yes, my dear! Now wipe your tears!" The king exclaimed, walking back to the palace. Ari shot me one last, grateful look. I smiled at them, waved, and gave them a thumbs up.

  The citizens of the planet eventually started to go back to what they were doing, and, when they did, Shiro immediately engulfed me in a tight hug. His robotic arm wrapped around my waist, his other hand held the back of my head firmly, and he buried his head in the crook of my neck. I felt my face flush.
  "S-Shiro? What is it?" I asked, clearly flustered.
  He let out another sigh, "You worried me.. I totally forgot about our jet packs, so I thought you just.. jumped."
  "Ah.. Sorry about that," I responded, slowly wrapping my arms under his shoulders.
"You're okay? You didn't get hurt while falling?" Shiro asked again.
I chuckled, "Yes, I'm fine, Shiro. Don't worry." His grip tightened as the rest of the team walked over.
"Lance, don't do that again! You worried us!" Pidge squealed, punching my arm playfully. Shiro let go of me as I laughed.
"Well, Ari has too much to live for," I retorted, crossing my arms.
"You got their name?" Pidge asked, shocked.
"Mhm! They seem like a nice kid."
"Why.. did they do that?" Keith asked.
I rubbed my neck awkwardly, "Before we could free this planet, the Galra captured their family and killed them.."
  "That's terrible!" Hunk gasped, his hand over his mouth, "But.. How did you know what to do, Lance?"
  I laughed nervously, "I dunno. Hey, let's get back to the castle!" Hunk gave me a satisfied nod, like he believed me.
  I started to awkwardly jog back to the castle, but Shiro grabbed my forearm, causing me to flinch. He barely missed my.. injuries.
  "Lance? Are you okay?" He asked me cautiously. All of my teammates were staring at me, concerned.
  "Hm? Of corse! Hey, we should totally go eat some of Hunk's delicious food goo, don't ya think? Let's go~" I responded, clearly nervous.
"Lance," Shiro repeated firmly, but I could hear the worry and concern, "What are you not telling us? You're acting weird.."
"N-Nothing! Can you let go of my arm? Please?" I asked, my voice starting to shake.
Shiro reluctantly let go. He eyed me worriedly, "We're going to have to talk later.." He said slowly. I could feel my fingers start to shake slightly, but I shot them a fake smile nonetheless.
  "Well, we should head back to the castle. If the king needs anything else, he can contact us," Keith pointed out after a minute of silence. We all nodded and started to walk. Hunk, Pidge, and Keith were ahead, so that left Shiro and I quite a bit behind them.
  As we were walking, Shiro gently grabbed my shoulder, "Lance.. Is there something you're not telling us? Something important?" He asked slowly.
  My fingers started to shake even more, "Hm? No."
  He seemed unsatisfied with my answer, but he let it go. I sped up a little, trying to catch up to the rest of my teammates.

We, eventually, made it back to the castle. When we did, Shiro told us all to change into comfortable clothes and head to the training deck. I changed into my normal clothes: blue jeans, my signature blue and white long sleeved shirt, and my jacket.
After I changed, I walked to the training deck. Everyone was already there, sitting in a circle. They left open one spot, which was in between Hunk and Shiro. Hesitantly, I sat down. My fingers were still shaking slightly. At this point, I think anything could cause a panic attack.
"So what're we doing?" I asked.
"I was thinking we could go over what happened during the mission. Then we could try a bounding exercise? Maybe a party game from Earth?" Shiro responded.
"OoO!" Pidge squealed, "We should play 'Truth or Dare' or 'Never Have I Ever!'"
"Let's decide in a bit," Shiro chuckled.
"What do we need to go over?" Hunk asked, "I thought it was pretty successful!"
"It was. Thanks to Lance," Shiro responded. I felt my face flush slightly.
"So what's there to talk about?" Hunk asked again.
"I don't understand how Lance could act so confident in dealing with that situation. It was like he knew what he was doing from experience," Shiro pointed out. My breath got caught in my throat.
"Actually, kind of.." Keith agreed. Pidge nodded, as did Hunk.
Both of my hands started to shake; not just the fingers. I could fell my breathing speed up, my face start to pale. A sinking feeling filled my gut.
Not now! This isn't a good time! Please, not now!
"Lance..?" Shiro asked, "Are you okay? You look a little pale.."
"Mhm.." I hummed, tapping my fingers on my right knee, counting each tap. Usually, I can calm myself down a little bit right before a panic attack, which causes the actual attack to not be too bad. But the tapping isn't helping, for some reason. I always tap my fingers, count the taps, and switch hands every 25 taps. But it isn't working!
  My breathing pattern started to speed up even more. I can't calm myself. I'm about to have an attack. I need to get out!
  Suddenly, I stood up, "Sorry.. Gotta do something.." I lied breathlessly. I was about to start walking out of the training deck, but Shiro grabbed my hand.
  "Lance, what's going on with you?" He asked in a worried voice.
  "Nothing. I'm fine. Can you let go please?" I wasn't facing them, but I could feel the looks of my teammates burning into my back.
  "We haven't finished-" Shiro started, but I cut him off by ripping my hand out of his grasp. I quickly walked out of the training deck, tapping my thigh, breathing heavily.

I'm gonna do a part 2! I don't want this to be too long, so.. XD
Word Count: 2055

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