Lance is bi??

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~Lance's POV~

It's obvious I like girls, everyone in the galaxy basically knows I'm a flirt, but I also like guys. Yeah, I know, big surprise. I haven't told the rest of the Voltron team yet, and, to be honest, I'm terrified too. What if they think I'm disgusting? What if they don't accept me? What if they laugh at me and think it's a joke? What if Keith, my crush, doesn't like me? I don't know what I would do if any of those scenarios happened. Actually, I do; I would be heartbroken. I would cry in front of everyone and embarrass myself. I had to leave my biological family on Earth, and I think of the Voltron team as my other family. I really hope they accept me..

~3rd Person~

Lance walked into the dinning room (I can't remember what they call it in the show ;~~;) only to be greeted with glares from his team, for he is severely late.
"Why are you so late, Lance? You need to fix that in case the Galra attacks!" Space Dad, A.K.A Shiro, exclaims.
"Heh.. sorry.." Lance says nervously before regaining his confidence, "how do you expect me to look so fabulous? I need time to do my facial! My poor pours haven't been getting nearly enough attention lately!" Keith groans at Lance, but he secretly thinks he's adorable. 'To bad he's straight.. darn it Keith, why did you have to fall for a straight dude??' Keith thinks to himself before shaking his head, 'Snap out of it, man!'
"Hey come sit down, Buddy! I got new space goo at the space mall." Hunk tells excitedly while smiling. Lance sits with them and starts fidgeting with his thumbs, causing the other paladins to look at him in concern.
'Okay Lance, you got this! Just tell them!'
"Hey guys uh.. I have to tell you something," Lance starts while looking at his Voltron family nervously.
"Dude, it can't be that bad for you to get all nervous about it. Baby." Keith mutters under his breath."
Lance glares at Keith before continuing, "So uh.. you know how I'm always flirting with girls, especially Allura?" (I really hope I spelt her name right, sorry if I didn't XD)
"Uh yeah, you literally do it 24/7," Pidge replies.
"Well.. I do it to cover up the fact that I'm.."
Lance stops and sighs, "I'm bisexual. I wasn't always accepted on Earth, so I try to hide the face I'm bi by flirting with girls only." Lance looks down, suddenly ashamed, for he started to remember what kids did to him at school.

~~Flashback to Lance as a 13 year old~~

"You ducking (I refuse to cuss, sorry if it looks weird XD) faggot!" (Also, I'm very against this word. I'm using it for the sake of the story ONLY! Please don't take offense to this, I don't want you to!! Okay, let's get back to the story.) A bully yells at Lance while shoving him into the lockers, "Who would love someone like you?! No one, that's who!!" He yells while his friends start laughing. Lance slides onto the floor and curls into a ball in fear of getting beat up again. "Get up, you baby!" So Lance got up. He got hit. The kid starting punching him, but Lance pushed him and ran far from the school...

~~End of flashback~~

The team just stared at Lance in shock, causing Lance to grow extremely nervous.
"I'm sorry. I'll just go to my room.." He gets up and starts to walk away, but someone grabs his wrist. He turns around and sees Keith smiling at him. 'Why is he smiling?? Oh god.. please tell me he's fine with it and won't beat me up... oh gosh..' Lance starts to physically shake from the fear taking over his mind.

~Keith's POV~

I grabbed Lance's wrist when he turned around to walk out. He looked back at me in shock, but he also started to shake. 'Why is he shaking? Is he scared I'll laugh at him or something?? I'm gay, man!'
"Uh.. are you okay, Buddy? You're shaking pretty bad," Hunk asks in concern.
"Wait.. you guys... don't.. care?" Lance replies with shock in his voice.
"Why would we?" Pidge replies, "You're still the same Lance, aren't you?" She jokes with him.
Lance smiled. Dang that smile. It never fails to melt my heart. Each time he smiles, I fall for him even more.
"Thank you guys.." Lance says close to tears.
Allura raises her hand, like she's in a classroom, "What is this bisexual thing? We Altean's don't have whatever that is." (I'm sorry if I spelt Altean wrong. If I did, please comment I did nicely and I'll change it right away!)
I laugh before responding, "It's when someone likes boys and girls." She forms her mouth in a shape of an 'O' then nods.
"Of corse we're fine with it. You're our family!" Coran yells.
I notice that I'm still holding onto his wrist and let go while blushing. Shiro notices this, and, being the space dad he is, wiggles his eyebrows and says, "Hey Keith, don't you have anything to say about that?"

~3rd Person~

Everyone looks at Keith in anticipation. Lance cocks his head like a confused puppy, which Keith mentally aw's at.
"Well, I guess.." Keith says nervously. "I'm gay. Allura, Coran, that means I like guys only. I don't have any romantic interest for any girl." Nobody thought it was possible, but Lance's smile grows even more.
"OoO!! Keith, Lance do you like anyone??" Pidge yells, ready to start shipping them.
Both of paladins faces burn red, and the rest of the team smiles.
"I totally ship you two!!" Pidge squeals in a very high pitched voice.
Yeah, that caused the two paladins to turn even redder and look at each other.
Allura squealed before talking, "Pidge, they totally like each other!! Look!!" She squeals while pointing at them.
"Do you like each other??" Hunk asks while wiggling his eyebrows, like the love able weirdo he is.
Keith builds up the courage and grabs Lance's hand while nodding. Immediately, the team started squealing, including Lance.
"Awww! I like you too, Keith!" Lance says with his face as red as a tomato.
The entire team smiles at Lance and Keith. Honestly, the team suspected they both liked each other from the looks they give each other. Keith gets up and hugs Lance. The two paladins looked at each other, then the team, and they ran into a different room while laughing.

~Lance's POV~

Keith and I were running down the hall, holding hands, and laughing. This honestly sounds really cliche, but I'm a sucker for that so I don't mind. We came to a stop and looked at each other in the eyes. Then Keith leaned forward and kissed me. I immediately kissed back. After a moment, Keith pulls back and asks, "Does this make us a couple?" I put my arms around his neck and smile while blushing, "Yes. Yes it does, my dear boyfriend."

Sorry that was my first fanfic

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Sorry that was my first fanfic. I'm sure it sucks. Sorry if I made an mistakes, I'm still pretty new at writing. I hope you enjoyed this!!
Word count: 1215

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