Dear Diary

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I was listening to music on YouTube and I found this song. As soon as I heard it, I knew I had to write a one-shot about it. I DON'T OWN THIS SONG!! (Modern AU)

~Lance's POV~

  I was crouching before a toilet, throwing up the only meal I've had in 4 days. I'm fat. Useless. I need to be perfect.
  Hi, I'm Lance McClain, and I'm 14 years old. I have an abusive mom, depression, and people say I have an eating disorder, but I know I don't. I simply trying to perfect myself.
  I wiped my mouth with my black hoodie sleeve, stood up, and wiped the knees of my light blue skinnies. After that, I walked out of the bathroom stall back to lunch.
  "Hey, Buddy!" Hunk, my best friend, yelled, "What took ya' so long?"
  "I just don't feel well," I lied.
  "Oh. Should I take you to the nurse?"
  "No, it's fine!" 
  I sat down next to Hunk and put my chin on the table. I started looking around the cafeteria until I spotted him: Keith, the boy I'm desperately in love with. But he would never love me back. That's why I'm doing this. I need to perfect myself for him. He deserves someone better than me...

  After school, I walked home. There's no way my mother would drive me, nor would she buy me a car when I could actually drive, so waking it is. When I got home, I immediately walked to my room to find my diary. My diary.. the thing I confide in. Well, I also confide in a knife, but mainly my diary. I started writing about the day..

Dear Diary
Today was a long day in school and I haven't really eaten anything yet today
But I guess that's good
I just wanted to write something real quick before I go off to bed")
So here it goes:

Dear diary,

I'm fourteen and I always feel so nervous
Tell me why is it that everyone is so perfect
While I feel so worthless, and they look so happy
While lately for me, my mood has been so crappy
And I have come to believe all the things that I'm seeing
On magazines and TV, of every single perfect being
All the girls with perfect bodies, and such amazing skin
Oh how I would kill to live the life that they are in
I've been trying to lose weight over that past couple of weeks
Throwing up after meals, on the rare times that I eat
But that isn't enough, I still need to do much more
To get this guy to notice me, people wonder what for
There's so much room in my tummy that it isn't funny
I don't wanna be people's dummy, but either way I feel dumpy
Most of the time I am left here, thinking to myself
Oh god is this worth it, or do I need some help
I've been used by guys, I've been hurt by girls
I've been hit by my mom, and cursed by the world
So I keep losing weight, just trying to be perfect
I'm waiting for somebody to tell me that I'm worth it

  I didn't notice I was crying until my tears hit the paper..

|\/\/\/|Time Skip|\/\/\/|

  I was getting all my things, for I'm about to move in with my fiancé, Keith. While picking up one of my old boxes, I noticed a tattered journal with tear drops covering the cover. I recognize what it is immediately: my old diary. Hot tears welled up in my blue eyes, and I dropped the journal, causing a loud BANG, since it was a hard-covered journal with hundreds of pages of my pain written on them.
  Keith rushed into the room, "Babe?! What happened?!" He asked in a frantic tone.
  I was staring at the diary with tears threatening to fall. I don't want the memories to come rushing back, but they all did. All the times I skipped meals. All the times I threw up. All the times I cut. All the times my mom hit me. It all came rushing back. Sobs started pushing there way out of my mouth, no matter how hard I tried to keep them at bay.
  Keith was standing next to me with his hands on my shoulders, "Babe, what happened?!"
  I pointed to the diary, ".. it's my old diary.. all the memories came rushing back.. all the pain," I cried. Keith wrapped his arms around me tightly and started calming me down.
  "Shhh... shhh.. it's okay now..." He whispered into my ear.
  After I calmed down and Keith let go of me, I kneeled down and picked up the diary.
  "I-I need to do something.. maybe I could write a follow up and turn it into a song? Maybe others could be inspired with what happened to me?" I spoke to myself.
  "Let's think about that later. Right now, we need to finish moving all your stuff to our new house."
  I nodded and put the old diary in a box.

  Keith and I were finally completely settled in to our house in a week, so I got the diary back out. I reread everything I every wrote with Keith right next to me, holding my hand and rubbing circles on my knuckles. After I finished reading all of it, and after Keith had to calm me down from crying multiple times, I got a piece of paper and a pen. I started writing:

I'm twenty-three and just ran across my old diary
I opened it up but i really don't know what inspired me
To do this, but I was instantly in tears
To think of how lost I was during those young years
And that guy that I mentioned back when I was fourteen
He's my fiancé now; I guess that I'm living a dream
We got a small house, a nice car and a good life
But my arms are still scarred from using my own knife
But he accepts me how I am, and he knows about my past
And after all that, he still says that we're gonna last
And I love him, I love him, I love him with all my heart
I honestly couldn't take it if we ever got pulled apart
If I could say one thing to me at age fourteen
It would be that you'll find a guy who will treat you like a queen
It gets better than it is, don't worry about your size
And never think you're alone, someone out there hears your cries
I've been used by guys, I've been hurt by girls
I've been hit by my mom, and cursed by the world
So I keep losing weight, just trying to be perfect
I'm waiting for somebody to tell me that I'm worth it

  I stared at the piece of paper proudly. This should make a good song! I handed to Keith, "Could you reread everything that I wrote? ..Including from when I was 14?"
  "I-.. Of corse," he said hesitantly. It took him a bit to read the lyrics, but at the end he was in tears.
  "Babe.." He spoke sadly and hugged me.
  "Could you help me come up with some music for the background?"
  "Of corse.."

  After a couple of weeks, Keith and I finally finished the song and recorded it. It's been a huge hit, and It's made me so happy to know kids listen to it.

Sorry, that was a crappy ending XD I didn't really know how to write this, I only knew I wanted to write something with this song. I know it's bad, but I hope you liked it?
WC: 1300

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