The Pastel and The Punk

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So I was reading some Phan fan fiction (cause why not XD) and I was often running into Pastel!Dan and Punk!Phil ones, so I wanna make a Pastel!Lance x Punk!Keith :3 also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 115 READS!! (Modern day AU (no Voltron space stuff XD))

~Lance's POV~

Hi, I'm Lance McClain, and I'm 17, which means I'm a junior in high school. High school sucks. I'm bullied quite a bit because I love to wear pastel colors and flower crowns. I've never been beat up, but I get called a faggot (A/N: I hate that word ;~~; but it's for the story. Please don't take offense!), girl, screw-up, fat, useless, and other things; I've also been shoved into lockers, but who hasn't?
I only have 2 friends: Katie "Pidge" Holt and Hunk Garrett. They've been with me for.. 4 years now? I don't know, all I know: they're the best friends you could possibly ask for.
I should be grateful. I have two amazing friends, a loving mother, siblings, a home, food, water, clothes, technology.. but I still have depression. I'm sure if I didn't getting bullied, I would be a normal, happy kid, but I'm.. not. I act happy. But that doesn't mean that I am happy. Hunk and Pidge don't know I'm depressed. They shouldn't need to, right?

I was walking into school when everything happened. The normal name calling occurred as I walked to my locker, but when I actually arrived to my locker, there was a note. The paper was tie-die made of pastel colors (baby blue, lilac, light pink) with baby yellow stars; if I could marry an inanimate object, I would want to marry that paper. The tape was baby blue duct tape with baby yellow chicks. On the fabulous paper was sloppy writing made in a black pen:

Dear Lance,
I doubt you've noticed me. I doubt you even think you have a secret admirer. But you do. Lance, you're so adorably cute it's hard to breathe when I see you. You're so kind to everyone, especially Hunk and Pidge, even when people don't return the gesture. You're honestly too pure for this damned (A/N: only time I will cuss XD) school, maybe even the world. You deserve so much better than what you get; you don't deserved to be bullied. You're amazing. You're fantastic. And I think I'm in love with you, even if we've never talked. It's just a.. feeling that I've never had with other guys. I would love to talk to you, so please, meet me in room 607 at 4:00 today, April 22nd.
Secret Admirer

After reading the note, like, 50 times, I finally smiled. 'I really hope this isn't a prank.. actually' I thought, my smile fading, 'it probably is a prank. Nobody could ever think of me like that..' I decided to go anyway. What's the harm in going?


I was walking to room 607, which is a unused classroom. 'This is so exciting!! I might actually have a secret admirer! I might finally get a boyfriend! Wait, I hope they're a guy. I'm as straight as a pastel rainbow..'
I finally arrived to the classroom, and I, of corse, walked in. When I did though, I saw Lotor (I'm sorrryyyy), my main bully.
"Huh? Oh. It's you. What are you doing here, you useless faggot?" He sneered.
"Wait.. were you the one who wrote the note?" I asked my bully sadly.
"Note? What note? Aww.. did someone trick the poor little faggot?" He said, and he started to walk towards me.
I backed up, "L-Leave me alone.."
"Now why would I do that? It's after school, we're in a unused classroom, so this is the perfect time to finally beat you up," He growled, popping his knuckles like the bad guys do in the movies.
My eyes widened, "N-No.." I mumbled before he jumped on me. He was sitting on my legs with his long, white hair over his eyes. I started to try and push him off, but he moved his hair out of his face and punched me in the stomach, causing me to try and double over.
He smirked, "Awww, look how weak the faggot is," And with that, Lotor started punching my face, picking me up by my collar and slamming me back down on the cold, tile floor, and, at one point, getting up and kicking my ribs. With each move he would call me things like: worthless, useless, faggot, girl, annoyance, and unloveable. But the worst thing he said was, "Just kill yourself! No one would care! Nobody loves you, and nobody ever will, you faggot!!"
After him brutally beating me up, he got up and started to walk to the door before stopping and saying, "And to think Keith would actually come. You know, I saw him put that on your locker. So, while he was walking here, I locked him in the janitors closet. Nobody will find you here. Even if anyone did, they would leave you to die. Nobody cares about you, you useless faggot." With that, he left me, laying in a pool of my own blood.
I started to cry after he left. 'He's right.. Keith just put that there so that he could beat me up.. why would Keith, the school's punk, want me, the worthless pastel? Maybe.. I should end it all..'
It felt like I was laying there in a pool of crimson for eternities. In reality, it was probably like 10 minutes.
Suddenly, a loud BANG erupted throughout the room. I tried to look up to see who had entered, but I didn't have enough strength. My consciousness was slipping, and I didn't care.
"OH MY GOD, LANCE!!" Somebody screamed, rushing forward. It sounded like a guy, but it wasn't Hunk. It sure as heck wasn't Pidge. A figure was looming over me, picking up my head and putting it in their lap. After a moment, I finally recognized who it was: Keith, the school's punk, actually showed up.
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, are you okay?! Oh my god!" Keith yelled, repeating 'oh my god.'
I started to close my eyes. 'I'm so tired.. physically and mentally.. when will all of it just.. end?'
"Lance, don't you dare close your eyes!!" Keith yelled, tears running down his face. I was still crying from before, and the sight of Keith crying made me cry more.
"Why..?" I whispered.
"Why what?" He asked me, concern and worry filling his voice.
"Why.. do you care? I don't matter," I asked, tears running down my face faster.
Keith started crying more, "Lance.. Lotor is wrong, you're worth something. People love you. I definitely have strong feelings for you. Please, please, please, just.. keep your eyes open. Don't give up. You matter to me.." He whispered the last part.
"I'm tired.." I cried.
"Shh.. I know, I know..." he soothed, stroking my hair. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number: 911.
After a second he started talking, "Hi.. my friend just got beat up really badly.. we're at Voltron High.. Uhh, we were just gonna talk about something and this guy, Lotor, pushed me in a janitors closet so that I couldn't find him. When I finally got out and found Lance, he was laying in a pool of his own blood, brutally beat up, and crying.." Keith continued talking, but I wasn't paying attention.
'Tired..' I started to close my eyes.
"Lance! Don't close your eyes! You'll be fine, please!" Keith yelled, pulling me out of my trance.
"Tired.." I mumbled.
"I know, but we have to get you stable before you can sleep. We have to stop the bleeding," he spoke, his voice cracking occasionally.
" 'm sorry.." I whispered. I didn't have enough strength to say anything above a whisper,
"Why are you sorry!?"
" 'm just worrying you.."
Suddenly, paramedics were rushing into the room with a stretcher. Keith looked up, tears running down his cheeks, but he still didn't let go of my head until the paramedics forced him too.
The last thing I saw before I passed out was Keith's black, leather jacket being placed on top of me and Keith smile at me sadly.

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