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So Team Voltron (Original colors) are on a planet. There's this plant that makes a person go temporarily blind. This is Klance fluff I guess? Idk. I'm bored.

~Lance's POV~

  Team Voltron and I were walking around this planet, which looked like Earth. Only, as I soon found out, the plants were terrifying.  All of us were getting homesick, and I saw this flower that looked exactly like a rose. Only, it was blue. I, obviously, had to inspect it. Roses are my favorite flower, and blue is my favorite color. Perfect combo, right?
  I picked up the flower and brought it up to my nose, trying to smell it, 'cause why not? Well, when I did, everything went black.
  I screamed and started looking around, trying to find light. My team, who weren't far away, ran up.
  "Lance, what happened?!" Keith, my boyfriend, asked.
  "I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING!! I picked up a blue rose and tried to smell it, 'cause why not, and now I can't see!" Then, everything settled in on me. Like how I'm terrified of the dark. So I screamed again. I felt somebody grab me, and I screamed. Again.
  "WHO OR WHAT IS TOUCHING ME?! WHERE IS EVERYTHING?! WHY IS IT SO DARK?!" I started to cry a little. Then, I noticed the hands felt like Keith's, "wait.. Keith?" I said, obviously confused and terrified at the same time, and tried to find him by swinging my arms around mindlessly. Because I'm smart.
  I hit something.
  "Ow! Babe!" Keith yelled.
  "Ah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Where are you?!"
  I felt Keith's hands grab my shoulders and face me towards him. Well, at least I'm assuming it was him.
  "I'm right in front of you! Lance, are you being serious?" Keith asked, his voiced laced with concern. I then felt his hands on my cheeks, wiping away all of my fallen tears.
  "Of corse I am! You know how scared I am of the dark!" Suddenly, I felt arms wrap tightly around me. I panic and flinch, for I can't see who's hugging me, though I assume it's Keith.
  "I'll take you back in my lion, okay, Babe?"
  I nodded. Then I felt arms on the back side of my knees and and my back. Keith was then holding me bridal style. I tried, and failed miserably, to wrap my arms around his neck, but I hit him in the head.
  "Ow! Baaaaabeeee," Keith whined.
  "I'm sorry!! I can't see you.." I said back quietly. I don't know if the rest of the team was near us, but I have a feeling Pidge is fangirling if she is.
  "It's okay, Babe," I could practically hear his smirk. I usually don't apologize about things, but here I am. Apologizing 3 times in less than 5 minutes.
  "When we get back to the castle, we're going to have to ask Coran to run some tests on this flower," I heard Shiro say. I'm guessing he held up the blue rose I sniffed.
  "If you're holding the blue rose that was on the ground, don't smell it!"
  I don't know if Shiro nodded, but I do know he didn't say anything.
  After a minute of Keith walking to his lion with me in his arms, I whispered, "Keith?"
  "Yes, Babe?"
  "What about Blue? Also, if I never see again, what will happen to me? Will I be kicked off of Team Voltron? W-Would you break up with me?" I felt Keith stop in his tracks.
  His voice was closer to my face, so I think he looked down, "Shiro can hold Blue in Black's mouth. And if you never see again, you won't be kicked off of Team Voltron. I sure as heck won't break up with you either. You have nothing to worry about, Lance. This will all be fine." I felt him move my hair out of my face, and he kissed my forehead.
  "I love you."
  "I love you too, Babe," he responded. I smiled as he continued walking.
  Soon, we arrived back at the castle. Shiro gave Coran the evil blue rose, and I was put into a healing pod, in hopes of that regaining my eyesight.
  When I got out of the pod, I felt myself falling forward. Someone caught me, so I opened my eyes to see who it was. But I still couldn't see. Fear consumed my entire body.
  'What if I never see again?'
  "Babe?" I head the person who was holding me whisper. Keith!
  "Keith?" I asked, fear laced in my voice.
  "Yeah, it's me. Can you see again?" My boyfriend asked in concern.
  "N-No..." I said, tears suddenly welling up in my eyes. Keith helped me stand up.
  "Don't worry, Babe. We'll solve this."
  "Keith?" I asked.
  "Where are you? I want a hug."
  I felt strong arms wrap around my lanky figure. I immediately wrapped my arms back. Since I'm taller than Keith, I put my chin on the top of his head.
  "How long was I in the pod for?" I asked after a minute of our embrace.
  "Half a day. I was really hoping that would help your sight," Keith chuckled.
  "Did Coran or the others find anything out about the plant?" I asked anxiously.
  "..No," Keith responded after awhile. I sighed and dug my nose into his black, fluffy hair. My arms wrapped around him tightened. I was scared that if I let go he would just vanish into thin air. And I wouldn't know if he did. Soon, I felt tears running down my cheeks at a rapid place, landing in Keith's beautiful black hair. Keith grabbed my neck with one hand and pulled my head down to his shoulder.
  "Shhh.. it's okay, Babe. It'll all be fine," Keith said after a minute of me crying into his shoulder.
  "But what if it won't be alright? What if I'm blind, just because of a stupid flower?!" I cried out in frustration.
  "Let's not think about what if's, okay?" Keith asked in a sad voice. I nodded, my head still on his shoulder.
  Then, I heard doors open loudly and slam against the walls. This scared me, so I jumped. I landed on some sort of cloth, so I fell.
  "Lance! Are you okay?" Keith asked, helping me up. I nodded again.
  "Hey, Lance!" I heard Pidge's voice.
  "Hey, Pigeon."
  "I have great news! I found out a cure to the flower's toxins!" Pidge squealed happily. At this point I couldn't tell if she squealed because she saw Keith and I having a moment or if it was because she found a cure.
  "That's great!" Keith yelled. I've never heard him so excited. Well, except for the time he asked me out and I said yes.
  "Just one thing.. it'll take about 2 days to complete.."
  I started panicking. Two days. In complete darkness.
  "Hey, hey, hey, Babe. It'll be fine. Oh! Maybe you'll be able to see out of your lion?"
  "M-Maybe.." I responded, biting my nails nervously. Keith then grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.
  "No biting your nails. It's bad for you," he said teasingly, "well! Let's go see if it'll work!" He started running, still holding my hand. Let me tell ya something: it's terrifying running in complete darkness, basically being dragged by an excited boyfriend. I squealed in fear, and he stopped.
  "We're hereeee!~" Keith sang. Wow. He sang out here. I never thought that would happen. I chuckled, since my boyfriend has never acted this cute. He suddenly started walking again. I could sense Blue near me, so I let go of his hand and walked towards her.
  "H-Hey, Lance!" He called, grabbing my hand again, "Let's not do that, 'kay? You might run into something."
  "But she's right in front of me, right?"
  "Not really.."
  "Darn it!"
  Keith just chuckled at me and led me to Blue. I touched her, "Hey, Blue! Lancey Lance is back!"
  "Heeeey. You let Blue call you Lancey Lance?" Keith pouted.
"Yup! Anyway, could you lead me to her entrance?"
  Keith started walking again towards her entrance. Soon, I was in the pilots chair. I focused with all my might, calling out to Blue to ask if I could see out of her version. She told me I already was, so I just sighed in defeat and leaned back.
  "It didn't work?" Keith asked sadly.
  I nodded and felt tears of frustration pricking my eyes.
  "This sucks! I can't see anything. I'm completely scared of the dark!" I yelled. I tried to find Keith's hand, but I couldn't. I started panicking, "Keith?!" I yelled, trying to get up, "Where are you?! This isn't funny!" He still didn't say anything, and I still couldn't find him.
  "Keith, come on!" I yelled. After a minute of him not doing anything, I sat on the floor in defeat.
  Keith jumped on my back, scaring the crap out of me.
  "AHHHHH!!" I screamed, and started kicking my legs. Like that would actually do something for something on my back.
  "Hey, Babe!" Keith called happily.
  "Not. Nice! I couldn't find you and then you scare me?!" I yell.
  "Geez. Sorry, Babe," Keith chuckled.
  I started looking for Keith's hand again, "Where's your hand?" I asked, sighing in defeat. He then took my hand and intertwined our fingers.
  "This is gonna be a long two days.."

|\/\/|Time Skip|\/\/|

  Pidge finally finished the cure, so I'll be able to see soon! I was bouncing on my feet, anxiously waiting for Pidge to give me the cure.
  "Okay, Lance! The side affect is tiredness, maybe some nausea, and extreme thirst," Pidge said in a matter-of-factly voice, handing me two cups, "The left one is medicine. The right one is water. Drink up!" She yelled happily.
  I drank the medicine and immediately wanted to spit it out. It tasted nasty, but I kept it down. I then drank the water. Less then a minute later, I could start to see again.
  I saw the blurry outline of my boyfriend's hopeful face, and I tried to touch it.
  "Hi," Keith said after I touched his face.
  Suddenly, a wave of nausea came over me. I started swaying back in forth, holding my stomach.
  "You okay, Babe?" Keith asked worriedly.
  I nodded and sat on the floor, "I'm tireddddd..." I then held out my arms to Keith, like a 4 year old wanting to be picked up, "Carry meeeeeee..." Keith laughed and picked me up.
  "I'll see you guys later," Keith said to everyone else before walking to his room.
  "Whye yur woooooom?" I slurred.
  Keith chuckled again, "Because it's closer."
  "Mmmmmkaaaaaay," I said and snuggled my head against my boyfriends chest.
  "I woooooveeeee yoooooooouuuuuu, Keeeef."
  Keith smiled brightly, "I love you too, Lance."

That was that! Sorry, it's kinda random. And bad. XD I hope you liked it though!
Word Count: 1830

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